
Welcome to ✦ The Snail Grove! ✦ ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ ✦ Welcome ✦ This is a wonderous place where strange fantasy snails wander, untouched by mankind, until now. Their docile nature and beautiful patterns quickly caught people's eyes, and now breeding for special colours and traits has become a respected practice. This is where these majestic creatures come to rest and where the Snail guardian keeps a record of them. This includes but is not limited to, the master list, family trees, a genetic guide, and each snail's genetic code. Enjoy your stay at the grove.
✦ Species Information ✦ Gulielmus concoloris, or "Will's Snail" as it's commonly referred to, is an extraordinarily unique and fantastical snail species. These snails can grow up to 30 centimetres long with a 12 cm diameter shell, and weigh anywhere from 250 to 500 grams. This large hearty critter thrives in the glorious tropical climate of The Snail Grove but is extremely adaptable. They come in a rainbow of colours, and a wide variety of exotic traits such as spikes, wings, and even a skeletal structure and legs. Please do no comment! This gallery is meant for me to keep track. Pm me questions, names, etc. ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Edited at February 19, 2024 09:49 AM by Wilverbeast
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✦ Visual Guides ✦ ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Free to Use Base (Can be used for customs, or other noncommercial use with proper credits, @Wilverbeast) ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Edited at February 15, 2024 10:16 PM by Winterbeast
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✦ Masterlist ✦ ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Number | Name & Link (If on TH) | Owner | 0000001 | Pinky | 13o239 | 0000002 | Pubby | 13o239 | 0000003 | Bubbles | 13o239 | 0000004 | Banana | 13o239 | 0000005 | res | Mistress Nyx | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Edited at February 16, 2024 09:59 AM by Winterbeast
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✦ Genetics Guide ✦ ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ ✦ Colours ✦ •R - Dominant Red •r - Recessive Red
•Y - Dominant Yellow •y - Recessive Yellow
•B - Dominant Blue •b - Recessive Blue
•RR, Rr, rr - Red •BB, Bb, bb - Blue •YY, Yy, yy - Yellow •Ry - Red Orange •RY, ry - Orange •Yr - Yellow Orange •Yb - Yellow Green •BY, by - Green •Br - Blue Violet •BR, br - Violet •Rb - Red Violet
•DD - Full Dilution •Dd - Semi Dilution •dd - No Dilution
•SS, SSb, Ss, Ssg, Ssw - Hypersaturation •SbSb, Sbs, Sbsg, Sbsw - Black •ss, ssg, ssw - Normal Saturation •sgsg, sgsw - Greyscale •swsw - White
•Dilution is dominant over saturation •RP & rP - Dominant pink genes ✦ Shell and Underbelly ✦ •ShSh - Solid Shell •Shsh - Bicolour Shell •shsh - Tricolour Shell
•U - Dominant Pale Underbelly •u - Recessive Dark Underbelly •up - Recessive Pink Underbelly
✦ Body Markings ✦ •A - Dominant Body Markings •a - Recessive Solid Body
•St - Stripes •Sp - Spots •Ta - Ticked •Bs - Backsplash •F - Flames
•ww, wwe - Recessive no White •Ww, Wwe - 0-50% White •WW - 50-100% White •wewe - White Eyestalks ✦ Legs and Paws ✦ •L - Dominant no Legs •l - Recessive legs
•N - Dominant Four Legs •n - Recessive Six Legs •nl - Recessive Eight Legs
•TT - One Toe/Stump leg •Tt - Two Toes •Ttx, tt - Three Toes •ttx - Four Toes •txtx - Five Toes
↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Edited at February 17, 2024 12:43 PM by Wilverbeast
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Whispering Echoes said: Tenticals!
Please read the first page.
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Do not make unnecessary comments
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Family Trees ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ ✦ Background ✦ This is where your snails' lineage and legacies will be kept! ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Edited at February 19, 2024 09:51 AM by Wilverbeast
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✦ Snails ✦ ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ ✦ Layout Guide ✦ Shell Pattern Shell stripe 1 colour Shell stripe 2 colour Shell stripe 3 colour Body colour Body pattern colour Body pattern types Legs & Toes
✦ Snails 1-4 ✦
0000001 "Pinky"  shsh Rr DD ss rrp Dd ss YrP dd ss YrP Dd ss upup Aa RRP Dd ss stst Spsp tata bsbs Ff Ww Ll nnl tt
0000002 "Pubby"  shsh by Dd ss By Dd ss bb DD ss Yr DD ss Uup aa Yy DD Ss StSt Spsp tata bsbs ff ww LL Nn Ttx
0000003 "Bubbles"  Shsh Bb dd ss Bb dd Ss
br DD Ss Aa BR dd ss UU StSt spsp Tata bsbs FF ww LL nn Tt
0000004 "Banana"  Shsh By Dd ss YrP DD ss yy DD ss Uu AA Yr DD ssg Stst spsp tata bsbs FF wwe ll nn tt ↠━━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━━↞ Edited at February 18, 2024 12:59 AM by Wilverbeast
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Edited at February 19, 2024 09:23 AM by Wilverbeast
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0000009 Owner: 249781  Shsh by Dd Ss BR Dd ss
BY dd ss uu aa BY Dd Ss stst Spsp tata Bsbs FF ww
ll nlnl  0000011 Owner: 309090 shsh Ry Dd ss RY Dd ss Yr Dd Ss
rr dd sgsg uup Aa Ry dd sgsg stst spsp tata bsbs ff ww
ll nlnl TT
0000012 Owner: 304951  Rr dd ss RR dd SBsw rr dd swsw uu AA ry dd sgsg stst spsp Tata bsbs Ff ww
ll nn TT Edited at February 17, 2024 12:48 PM by Wilverbeast
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