Welcome to my shop! It's called a pop-up shop because it will be available intermittently - so it will pop up and close down and come back.
ATTENTION! I have reworked ALL my offerings and added animations! If you have visited here before, you will probably want to update yourself.
My gallery: https://postimg.cc/gallery/BGCVFcbL
Here is one example image of a quick drawing (this character belongs to Nevermore. (#272291)):

Quick Drawings
- These are 800 mush. This payment covers whatever I can draw in 20-30 minutes. Coloring may be rough/outside the lines a little and lines will be a little more rough looking than my detailed style. This style of mine tends to be more expressive and carefree.
- Included for free: simple props (eg blankets, coffee mug), same price for headshot through fullbody (I will choose if not specified), any character accessories are automatically included, and minimal shading/lighting may be added (specify if you want it, otherwise I'll pick between flat color and minimal shading based on my time and ideas)
- You CAN include another character in any 'quick drawing' (so like, character interactions) for another 800 mush.
Quicker Drawings ('silly doodles')
Silly doodles (200-300 mush):
- It will be a silly 5-10 minute flat color headshot or fullbody doodle. Coloring may be simplified if you have many colors or a complex design. I will choose what to drawn within what option you picked but feel free to suggest ideas (for instance I'd love to recreate the laughing wolf meme with someone's characters LOL).
- For each 'silly doodle' you order, pick one of the following moods:
- Standard Silly (200 mush): 'Silly' can include jumping around, acrobatics, silly faces, comedic/funny stuff (like a snowball fight!), etc.
- Pure Chaos (200 mush): 'Chaos' includes screaming, crazy laughter, zoomies, out of control magic, comedic stuff, and whatever other ideas my ADHD brain spontaneously decides to give me based on the character I am drawing.
- Cute Vibes (300 mush): This one takes longer so it is 300 mush. 'Cute vibes' will likely be a cute headshot/bust.
- 'Strike a Pose!' (300 mush): Your character poses in a stylish, cool, magnificent, etc way. This one will likely be a fullbody.
- Examples for silly doodles (all are my characters. The two on the left are designed by me and the angel cat was designed by someone else (toyhouse user: griffinwriter)):
Silly doodle bundle:
- You'll get a collection of drawings, both together and separate. You can apply the 'known character' discount of 20% if I'm drawing the same character. You can add an additional character for a character interaction scene for double the price of the chosen mood. I will only do ONE 'cute vibes' drawing per bundle and it will remain at 300 mush each.
Higher Quality Art
Higher Quality Drawing (2700 mush or 3 apples)
- Results may vary but I basically will spend roughly an hour on the drawing and so it should look a bit more clean and detailed, and there will be more shading/lighting. You can also request backgrounds that are a bit more complex with this option. You can specify what you want me to prioritize (lineart details, background, lighting/shading) and I will also automatically make it more clean-looking.Please note this is not my highest quality art but it will look more clean. My ultra detailed art (which takes 2+ hours) will only be auctioned.
- Specify if you have a preference between headshot, fullbody, etc.
1,200 mush: Make it a blinking animation! (headshots only, of course) (specify flat color or painted/shaded color if you have a preference)... ( example in this link: https://postimg.cc/RqfNhJhS )
1,700 mush (so +1000 mush): Blinking animation plus slight ear flick (or other slight facial animation like a mouth movement or fur movement). I don't have any examples for this yet so the first person to get this and allow me to use it as an example will get a 30% discount (so: 1,190 mush).
+?? mush: (first person to get this: 1,700 (+1000 mush)) Make it a gliding animation! I don't have any examples of this yet but your character will be front facing and it will basically have a sky background, a blinking animation, and a very slight wing flap animation, so that it looks like your character is gliding along like an albatross or an eagle! If your character has complex wing markings I might simplify them (for instance I have a starry gryphon and I wouldn't animate every individual star LOL or maybe they would sort of just glitter).
Coming soon: YCH (seasonal and permanent) and animated YCH! Feel free to make suggestions!
PWYW Random/Experimental Art
- It's simple. I'll draw you whatever I want for however long I want to from whatever character option(s) you give me and then you pick the payment! This option is great for if you want a surprise result.
- I will mostly be using this for experimental art and to test things out like new YCHs.
- This will be mostly random but I will take suggestions. Nothing will be guarunteed.
Ask me: I am likely willing to do other animations and ideas that aren't included here (for instance, more complex backgrounds). Ask me and I'll give you a price quote.
Known Character: After I've drawn your character once, you get a 20% discount on all future drawings of that character.
New player discount: If you have joined in the past three months, you get a 50% discount!! This only counts for completely new players, NOT extra accounts.
- Apple/mush conversion: Prices vary for apples. Usually it's between 800-1000 as far as I've seen so I'm making my price conversion at 1 apple per 900 mush.
- Quantity limit: Queue #1 (Higher Quality, Animations, and PWYW): you can have one order with one drawing/animation.Queue #2 ('Quick Drawings'): you can have one order with two drawings or one character interaction.Queue #3 ('Silly Doodles'): I am not limiting these, currently.You can only be in one queue at a time, except for Queue #3. So you can't be in the first two at the same time but you can be in one of the first two plus the third queue.
- Time frame: Queue #1 (Higher Quality, Animations, and PWYW) will take up to 1 month.Queue #2 ('Quick Drawings') will take up to 2 weeks.Queue #3 ('Silly Doodles') will take 1-2 weeks depending on how many 'silly doodles' you ordered.If I take more time than the time stated, I will offer you a 10-50% discount (depending on how much longer) and/or free bonus art (likely 'silly doodle(s)' or a 'quick drawing'). If it takes a month over my stated timeframe (hopefully it doesn't) I will offer up to a full discount (free art!). This is in part to hold myself accountable and in part to make this a satisfactory art shop.
- WAITLIST rules: Getting on the wait-list will guarantee you a spot in line in the queue. However, it will not guarantee you any timeframe as I may temporarily close after finishing my queue. If you get on the queue after more than a month, I will message you and confirm you still want to proceed.
- No ref sheet or art of your character? No problem! Just describe your character in the form. I do require that you provide a color palette for the character because I'd rather not guess your color preferences.
- Payment: I will take payment once I am finished.
- What I'll draw:
- I will draw pretty much anything.
- Favorites: anything with wings/feathers, foxes, birds, equines, canines, felines, gryphons, mythical creatures, bright colors, complex designs, accessories/jewelry
- Less interested: humans (style will vary. most likely cartoonish)
- I will NOT draw anything NSFW, extreme body horror, gore, guns, violence, political themed stuff, and dark/thrill/horror stuff (mildly scary is ok). I have the right to refuse anything not listed here that I didn't think of that makes me uncomfortable (this is unlikely - but I say this just in case).
- Note: Prices and offerings are subject to change (but of course you will pay whatever the price was at the time you fill out the form)
- Credit: Please credit my toyhou.se outside of wolfplay. My username there is birdfireaaa
Silly doodle form:
Pack number and name:
Character name and link or ref image: (answer)
Pick a 'mood': Standard silly, pure chaos, or cute vibes, or 'strike a pose'?: (answer)
Bundle? (answer number of additional doodles and preferences for which 'moods' you want. You can only have one 'cute vibes' mood per order. Also, specify here if you want multiple characters in the same 'doodle' scene together.)
Is it ok if I post the finished art outside of wolfplay (with credit to you for the character): (yes/no)
Ideas and preferences (only your choice of 'mood' is guarunteed to be chosen for silly doodles):
Payment total:
Standard Form:
Pack number and name:
What would you like to order?
Character name and link or ref image:
Personality (tell me as much or little as you'd like):
Likes and dislikes:
Is it ok if I post the finished art outside of wolfplay (with credit to you for the character)(yes/no):
Payment total:
Anything in particular you'd like me to draw? (poses, fullbody or headshot, props, vibes, expressions, interactions if there are two characters, etc):
Background/scene/color preferences (simple/atmospheric only for 'quick drawings' - like 'purple', 'warm tones', clouds, rain, starry sky):
Anything else:
Once it is complete, I will post it here and message you.