
https://i.postimg.cc/ZK5ydCtx/3-B21850-D-D586-4-E9-C-B93-D-4-D846-E012-F6-C.png https://i.postimg.cc/9FgwtCc5/DA3-E4-CE9-2174-4970-89-E8-81338-DB842-D3.png (C) 91480 Please tell me your honest opinions. It's a species I've created! Edited at September 12, 2019 07:45 PM by Magnus Bane
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<div style="text-align: center;">what kind of species are they?
<div style="text-align: center;">canine or something else? <div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">I'd like to know before critiquing.

quill said: <div align="center">what kind of species are they?
<div align="center">canine or something else? <div align="center"> <div align="center">I'd like to know before critiquing.
It's honestly just something thrown together
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King of Hell said: Maybe fix the horns?
What do you suggest I do to them?
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I think they are super cute, but maybe the front shoulders could be defined a little more? I don't know. I'm going to be stalking the adopt thread if you end up turning this species into adoptables. You're doing great, I think I saw that you just started doing digital stuff and it honestly looks like you've been doing it awhile. ^^
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I think it looks really cool, I love the fangs and horns too and the spikes on the heels.
If you were to open an adopts shop you could even creat like rarities for example no horns/wings is common horns and fangs rare etc
You could even add heaps of other things like extra tails, eyes and even different types of wings too
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I will probably make it an adopt^^ thanks for the input guys^^
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This looks really cool though they look like their about to fall forward a little ^^'
Maybe move the Horizontal horns on their head a little lower? Something about it seems wrong to be