
https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=13457 What would you guys like to see in my art in the future? Perhaps a change in style? Animations? More auctions?
Go wild. Your ideas fuel me.

Animations. Edited at September 9, 2019 12:59 PM by p l u t o

p l u t o said:
How tho <.>
I still need to figure out how to still have sanity because I'll need to upload each image separately onto a GIF maker lmao
Not to mention markings moving in each frame lmao Edited at September 9, 2019 01:00 PM by Ciúin.

I would also like to see like different styles from ya :o As in, chibi, realistic fur, cartoony, etc. It would be nice to once in a while try new stuff

Ciúin. said:
p l u t o said:
How tho <.>
I still need to figure out how to still have sanity because I'll need to upload each image separately onto a GIF maker lmao
Not to mention markings moving in each frame lmao
Pffft, have all my apples

p l u t o said:
Ciúin. said:
p l u t o said:
How tho <.>
I still need to figure out how to still have sanity because I'll need to upload each image separately onto a GIF maker lmao
Not to mention markings moving in each frame lmao
Pffft, have all my apples
Wait no

p l u t o said: I would also like to see like different styles from ya :o As in, chibi, realistic fur, cartoony, etc. It would be nice to once in a while try new stuff
I would love to see chibi too! If you do animation, I would suggest 5 apples, your art is so amazing! *0*
Count me in! Take my mushies/apples ùwú Edited at September 9, 2019 05:35 PM by wolfiean

I would really like to see you try different styles. I've been curious about how you'd do with a semi-realistic style (minimal "cheek floofs", more life-like anatomy, etc.).

More auctions, more art in general. Maybe more animals? I love the bat you did *^* and...just more I have 100 apples that need spending >:D

Lt. Chick Fil A said: More auctions, more art in general. Maybe more animals? I love the bat you did *^* and...just more I have 100 apples that need spending >:D
More animals :)