
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Alrighty, here's something I'm just generally curious about. I'm not sure if this is the right place but hey.
So, as said in the title, what is something you think you specifically need to improve on? Yes, specifically. Not just 'all of my art'.
Also, feel free to give suggestions on how to help other artists with the things they need to improve on.
As an example, I'm gonna tell you some of the things I personally think I need to improve on.
As I mentioned in chat today, one of the main things I need to improve on is my linearts. Now, they work just fine for my type of art. My art relies heavily on dramatic lighting, shading and colour. These things are what I personally think make my art look good/stand out. My linearts on their own can look 2D, uninteresting and a bit static, lacking movement. There is only a little variation in opacity and line thickness.
Another thing which isn't directly related to my art is reacting to criticism. Ahah, I get a little defensive which is something I need to work on as critique from other artists is one of the fastest ways to improve.
https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=32526 Yeet. Link to my gallery. Here's some of my other linearts.
https://i.postimg.cc/xCNRQwV7/Wolf-Step-Lineart.png https://i.postimg.cc/7Zp1VB2n/Chase.png Edited at August 18, 2019 04:25 PM by Eternity

<div style="text-align: center;">To help you best, I'd need to see some examples of your art. May you please link some?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
@Oakley Ah right, makes sense. I'll throw up a link to my art gallery in a second.

Shading, shading, shading.
Although my style has hardly changed over the past year or so, my shading style has fluctuated greatly. I'm not 100% happy with my current shading style if I'm honest, but it's something I've learnt to live with lmao.
I just hope that someday, I can perfect my shading style to my personal satisfaction.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
@Alt 0250 Oohh that's interesting. Shading a difficult one honestly. There are just so many different types.

I'm going to move this to art help, it fits better there. :)
I definitely need to improve on my backgrounds. I have a habit of just... not wanting to draw any sort of environment, that I tend to just stay away from them entirely out of fear that they'll look bad. Backgrounds are just so intimidating to me, and I feel like improving on them would give my art a nice boost. I'm pretty happy with my general style right now, but I definitely feel like it could be improved with some work on backgrounds/environments/composition in general.

I also need help with backgrounds
Here's an example of a background in my chibi style: x (c)222973 And an old one in my painted style:
x (c)222973
I really would appreciate it if anyone could come up with some tips for inspiration on backgrounds and such? I really need help on ideas for the overall background, foreground, little details, as well as lighting. Backgrounds are, and have always been, a weakness as well as something I do not particularly enjoy Also not looking for critiques on the characters, both drawings are very old and I have since changed how I do both styles c;
Edited at October 30, 2019 10:12 PM by Bearly

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
@Dash Alrighty, thanks! :D
Oof I forgot about backgrounds. That's another thing I want to work on. I think I've got natural landscapes alright at the moment, but I really want to work on man-made structures such as buildings. Not to mention rooms and furniture. Ah So hard. :')

<div align="center">Now that we mention it - I do need some art tips. <div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/wxRGX8QW/Vaccinium-Deer-Practice.png<div align="center"> <div align="center">https://i.postimg.cc/qRgNRj0h/Vaccinuim-Wolf.png<div align="center"> <div align="center">
Edited at August 18, 2019 04:38 PM by Oakley

Poses and anatomy :') I've found once I get the anatomy down for a pose a feel comfortable with it I tend to... Duplicate it :') Got a whole gallery now, https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=42475
I have gotten much better with this, even forcing myself with a 'No Pose Twice' challenge. But anatomy is still a WIP, because some of my recent poses are unique, but akward
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