
Title says it all https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=38129

Those are really good, I think you're a talented artist but you could work on better lineart. I really love your work, you're one of the better artists on this site.

Sablecrest Guardians said: Those are really good, I think you're a talented artist but you could work on better lineart. I really love your work, you're one of the better artists on this site.
The lineart for my work is something I'm always trying to improve and bring in new techmiques
But wow never would I ever think that so thank you so so much ❤️

Okay, so first thing, your art is absolutely beautiful! I love the first, second, and fourth example the best as they really do have nice shading, coloring, background and the proportions are spot on!
As for the fifth I think maybe the horse could blend with the background a bit more if you know what I mean? It doesnt exactly fit with the background. For number six Id say maybe make the muzzle a tad thinner for the muzzle looks slightly off to me.
For 7, I have no words, just spot on!
I really do think you have amazing skills! P,ease keep up your amazing artwork
Edited at August 7, 2019 01:15 AM by Pride Klaw

Oh wow thank you so much! And yep I agree with everything you say fior 7 Pride Klaw said: Okay, so first thing, your art is absolutely beautiful! I love the first, second, and fourth example the best as they really do have nice shading, coloring, background and the proportions are spot on!
As for the fifth I think maybe the horse could blend with the background a bit more if you know what I mean? It doesnt exactly fit with the background. For number six Id say maybe make the muzzle a tad thinner for the muzzle looks slightly off to me.
For 7, I have no words, just spot on!
I really do think you have amazing skills! P,ease keep up your amazing artwork

Still looking for some constructive criticism

I think on 5 and 9 could be better blended into the background, and the rest I would clean up the line work.

Thank you for your tips and yes I'm definatly trying to improve line work and mess with techniques as we speka And with backgrounds it's something I struggle with doing phoot manip so I'll try and do that Spring Spark said: I think on 5 and 9 could be better blended into the background, and the rest I would clean up the line work.