
Seriously, don't hold back. I want to improve, and the only way to do that it with some good, honest critiques. All are wanted and very much appreciated :)
Link to my art gallery: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=26299&page=1
But, if you're lazy like me, here are some of my most recent artworks: https://i.postimg.cc/5041gScN/Summer-Storm-Raffle.jpg
Edited at July 11, 2019 04:14 AM by Wood Carve

I can give negative feedback. Its perfect. Maybe draw each individual hair on the Animals? I donÂ’ know. Edited at July 11, 2019 03:22 PM by CanadianGirl

I really like your art! I'd love an avatar from you

bro what i tried to come up with some constructive criticism but i cant your art is so perfect like the composition, colors, background, everything

mara's pack said: bro whati tried to come up with some constructive criticism but i cant your art is so perfect like the composition, colors, background, everything
Same! My answer stands!

Your art is pretty good, I especially like the last piece (the gold field). The main thing that stuck out and- in my opinion- doesn't seem to mesh well with the rest of the piece: is the brightness in color for the wolf(?) in the first image.
I think the only main parts that should be as bright as it is, would be: the back and the beginning of the tail. The rest should be a bit darker, since it would be in the shade. I did notice that you added shadow around the head/front of the animal, so that's good. Besides that, I only have two nitpicks:
-The grass along the edges of the trees are a bit too bright as well, just a hint too bright -The rocks(?) also seem very white, rather than a more grey. That could be the type of rock, I'm unsure, but they really jumped out at me and took some attention away from the animal and fire, which I felt where the main focus points.
Aside from those minor things, again, your art is very beautiful. :) Keep up the great work!

Thank you Mossious <3 I'll keep those in mind for the next thing I draw :D

You're welcome and best of luck to you. 8D

You're a super talented artist, first of all <3
I just want to say that one thing I am SUPER jealous of in your art is your backgrounds and environments. They're just so good and detailed, and pretty, and /gah/. I love em. :'D
One thing I do think that you can improve on, though, is the shading of your characters. It just looks a little too... soft and blended together, and sometimes causes them to blend in a bit too much with the background. I think just a bit more detail in your shading and a bit less smudging would make your art go a loooong way.
One other minor thing I wanted to critique, is that when making ref sheets, try to make the background color a bit more muted. On the sheet of Xery, for example, the red is a bit too bright and blends in with the red of the character, and makes it kind of hard to look at. It might benefit to desaturate the background a little bit, or make it darker/lighter, or even make it a different color entirely that just compliments the character.
That's about all I have to say. Your art is /super/ solid, and I can't wait to see you improve and have your art become more amazing in the future :D
