
I've just started with art, and I'm currently using Pixlr Editor, on a Macbook Air.
I have two questions: Does it matter which drawing app you use? And, if yes, which one would you recommend? Edited at July 14, 2019 06:09 PM by Savarda

I use Gimp. It's free and user friendly, not to mention there are a LOT of free resources posted on the net for it such as brushes, patterns, gradients, etc.

On the art help there is a page about Art Programs that you can look at ^^ It is very useful. Edited at July 9, 2019 11:51 PM by After Death

It really doesn't matter what drawing app you use, (I think) But I use Ibis paint X and medibang!

Thanks :)
I'll have a look at them XD

I was using Medibang before, but I switched to FireAlpaca.
Medibang is better for coloring linearts because you can see how big the bursh is while drawing.
Bur Fire Alpaca takes only 1, not 2, clicks to make another curvy ruler, which I always use.
So big decision was made so the Alpaca is the winner because it has cuter logo. It looks little like a llama.

I use autodesk sketchbook pro :) I have tried firealpaca and medibang and personally I prefer sketchbook
Tons of brushes and it is user friendly You can get it on laptop and phones
There is a forum on art apps that is useful (as After Death said)

Game Moderator Darkseeker
I personally use Procreate, which I like simply because of the multiple other brushes available. Procreate is not free though, and I believe is only available on Apple products. Before this, I used Medibang. I'm not exactly sure why, but I preferred Medibang to FireAlpaca, but to each their own.
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I've just downloaded Krita, and I feel like I'm in heaven :)
It's amazing, at least compared to Pixlr, which I was using before.

I use Autodesk Sketchbook ^^
Its free, super easy to use and has tons of brushes and additional features. Not to mention the website allows you to download brush sets submitted by other users, so its basically infinite brushes :D
I cannot recommend it enough :)