
I'm working on a Creature for my Adoptable and I got stuck on the eye mouth and how I should do the feathers on the wings any Advise and Critique would be amazing. https://i.postimg.cc/nr1Lqhkh/IMG-3236.jpg ((Made by me duh))

The picture looks kind-of confusing to me, but I will try my best to give some critique!
- Add more of a. . . chest, I guess? - Adjust the stomach and lower it - Add the other side limbs (if they are there, I cannot see them >.<)

❦Amaris said: The picture looks kind-of confusing to me, but I will try my best to give some critique!
- Add more of a. . . chest, I guess? - Adjust the stomach and lower it - Add the other side limbs (if they are there, I cannot see them >.<)
Thanks it's still a W.I.P so it's gonna be a little confusing.

The maw, or mouth, is a little boxy. Make it a little more narrow, since I can see this is a dragon-like design. Dragons normally have a slender physique, unless you want a bulky one. Then you'd have to shorten the muzzle and make it more broad. The upper.. joints? I dunno the word, but the more upper half of the limbs (arms, legs) are too.. beefy. Make them a little more slender. For the eyes, try something that's like an almond like shape. Eyes are normally almond shaped, in a way. Like an Ellipse, google if you don't know what it is. It's an Earth Science term. This is all I got for now, but as you progress I can add more critiques

Wolffang said: The maw, or mouth, is a little boxy. Make it a little more narrow, since I can see this is a dragon-like design. Dragons normally have a slender physique, unless you want a bulky one. Then you'd have to shorten the muzzle and make it more broad. The upper.. joints? I dunno the word, but the more upper half of the limbs (arms, legs) are too.. beefy. Make them a little more slender. For the eyes, try something that's like an almond like shape. Eyes are normally almond shaped, in a way. Like an Ellipse, google if you don't know what it is. It's an Earth Science term. This is all I got for now, but as you progress I can add more critiques