
I don't know where to put his topic,sorry to all Mods ':)
I have decided to draw more-no matter how good or bad I am at it,if I want to improve I have to try(even if it means enteral struggling).
Some rules,maybe?: *I'll draw wolves,but you can draw OCs or any animal,furry or anthro you want :)
-critique or advice are always welcome,but don't insult(I am already doing good job on that one X'D ) -try to keep up no matter what,draw and post even if you don't feel like it or you feel ashamed or you have a block,just do it <3 -credit properly so Mods don't have to bother with removing images -creativity,tehnice,style;none of it is required,only thing you need is passion to bring idea to life by putting it on the paper with your own (bare-I don't know why I have written this nor why I bolded it) hands -I am overdoing it with all that cheering... XD -feel free to comment Edited at June 15, 2019 10:32 PM by Hurry

Before we start one important thing to say is that this is motivational challenge that you don't have to take,no one will do anything to you,one art is enough too :D
I know that there are some challenges on the internet that caused trouble because they required morbid things or gave suicidal toughts-don't do those things only to prove you are 'brave'.
<div align="center"> ~Challenge~:<div align="center">-day 1-choose one Pack Life activity to draw <div align="center">-day 2-<font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 3-<font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 4-<font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 5-draw a detailed background and a wolf <div align="center">-day 6-choose one BE Move to draw <div align="center">-day 7-<font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 8-<font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 9-<font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 10-draw a winged wolf <div align="center">-day 11-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 12-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 13-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 14-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 15-draw a situation from explore <div align="center">-day 16-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 17-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 18-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 19-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 20-draw a wolf with an element(it can be in background or on the wolf or anything,but it has to contain a wolf and drawing of that element) <div align="center">-day 21-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 22-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 23-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 24-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one Pack Life activity to draw<div align="center">-day 25-draw a couple in love(no mating nor sexual drawing) <div align="center">-day 26-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 27-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 28-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 29-<font class="mainlineblack"><font class="mainlineblack">choose one BE Move to draw<div align="center">-day 30-draw a wolf in your favorite season or holiday <div align="center">-day 31-bonus:free topic
Edited at June 10, 2019 12:36 PM by Hurry

Starts on: 15th of June 2019 P.S.You can start whenever :)
I am glad to see people joining :) plus you don't have to worry if you can't start on 15th,you can start later which means you'll finish later,but that is okay because we want to see progress in drawing within 30 days of drawing period(hahaha I don't know if there is visible progress for that short time,but okay XD)
Since I have trip on 17th(it starts at 8 am so I'll gonna do my art at 6 am,hopefully I'll make it) and trip on 18th I'll do 18th in advance or maybe I'll have to do 2 drawings on 19th-either way it works :) this can be used as example to all of you if you don't know what to do in situations when your day is full-I won't have access to a WP for two days,nor internet so I cannot post during that time :)
Edited at June 12, 2019 12:03 AM by Hurry

So day 1 starts on June 15 and we post our first drawing and so on? I wil be doin this I just wanted to clarify the details.

After Death said: So day 1 starts on June 15 and we post our first drawing and so on? I wil be doin this I just wanted to clarify the details.
I'll start on that date since that is when my summer break starts,but you can set your days and just put a note below art which day it is(like -day 3-) I am glad to hear that you are joining :)

Okay thank you, this is a great idea. I am glad you are doing this :)

Joining, but Im going to use my main account, Eclipse~. This will sound like fun and fill my waking hours of boredom.
Edited at June 13, 2019 12:32 AM by Light Dreams~

I might join, but later on. School ends for me on June 21st.

(-day 1-) This is my Erythsm boy Jums gnawing on his stick X) Result of drawing and barely making it in time because a half-day trip turned into whole-day trip,exhausting...But,okay,it wasn't it bad.
What needs extra work are paws,head,shading and many other things :'D Also I could learn how to scan since I have machine that does it at home.
Edited at June 16, 2019 12:08 AM by Hurry

Day 1 https://i.postimg.cc/Xq10kcP8/Autumn-Finds-10-mush.png
"Autumn Leaves finds 10 mushrooms!" I made this yesterday night and finished at 11:57 wp time. I just decided to do it tomorrow, because I wasn't going to try to get it in under 3 minutes.
I could work on shading, because me being lazy I didn't shade, and I could work on putting more effort in this piece and drawing faster ^^