
Does anyone know any animal art creaters, (like a flash game on Devianart or dolldivine) that can be used on an iPad, and be sold in game here?

Gonna move this to art help, since this goes better there~
Not super familiar with iPad stuff, but I've heard that MediBang and Procreate are good apps to draw with. If you mean like "create a wolf" things, I'm not sure if those kind of flash games run on iPad or not.

Dash Attacked said: Gonna move this to art help, since this goes better there~
Not super familiar with iPad stuff, but I've heard that MediBang and Procreate are good apps to draw with. If you mean like "create a wolf" things, I'm not sure if those kind of flash games run on iPad or not.
Ok. Thanks!

Dash Attacked said: Gonna move this to art help, since this goes better there~
Not super familiar with iPad stuff, but I've heard that MediBang and Procreate are good apps to draw with. If you mean like "create a wolf" things, I'm not sure if those kind of flash games run on iPad or not.
Ok. Thanks!

You can use dolldivine on mobile devices. Just access it through the downloadable Puffin browser.

Xeno said: You can use dolldivine on mobile devices. Just access it through the downloadable Puffin browser.
Oh. Ok!

Xeno said: You can use dolldivine on mobile devices. Just access it through the downloadable Puffin browser.
Oh. Ok!