Lock | February 14, 2019 01:56 PM | |

Henlo. I have made this little fella, and wanted to see what you all would price it as. If you want to buy it, you may pm me with offers, and chill, i dont bite and i will try to reject in a friendly way (unless I accept your offer, ofcourse, then I will just hand this fella over to you for the amount of mooshrooms) c:
[removed cus it has been bought n stuff]
Sooo, thoughts? Opinions? Offers?
Edited at February 14, 2019 03:06 PM by Carnivore
Lock | February 14, 2019 02:23 PM | |

Keep it
But i will offer some apples. 5+?
Lock | February 14, 2019 02:24 PM | |

@Cun shoo it says to pm me if ya want to offer (as in buy offer) sksksk
and holy craperoni why would you pay so much for it Edited at February 14, 2019 02:26 PM by Carnivore
Lock | February 14, 2019 02:28 PM | |

^^ I didn't mean to sound as if i was offering offering, sorry. Cx I meant as in personally, if I were to price these I would offer five apples (or more) apiece for them. They are beautiful. ^^
Lock | February 14, 2019 02:29 PM | |

ahhh, ye, makes sense. I will probably put it up for auction in a few days, then I will set the ab to 5 apples then >.>