
I don't know where to put this, Feel free to move it if it's in the wrong spot!
I'm looking for people to color a lineart... Anyone have any suggestions for people to ask?

I could try, but may I see the lineart first? Some linearts are a little more difficult than others Edited at December 30, 2018 05:20 AM by Carni Cane

Ah um, It's three wolfplay linearts for three characters https://wolfplaygame.com/images/color1.png https://wolfplaygame.com/images/color8.png https://wolfplaygame.com/images/color10.png Edited at December 30, 2018 05:53 AM by Kylie Hatake

Kylie Hatake said: Ah um, It's a wolfplay linearthttps://wolfplaygame.com/images/color8.png
Hmm.. it doesnt seem that difficult. If you still needs someone to color it, feel free to pm me

I'll see thanks! (^^' I feel weird)

Ive found that Christmas Future does the most excellent job with linearts. They have thorough coloring and can do most any design, even galaxies. Id PM them if I were you :3