
I need to practice drawing animals and getting the full bodies down as well as expressions! Please post your characters and their expression or pose so I can try to improve. Or just tell me to draw a ___ and I might try that. It can be any species, I'm only SKETCHING it and I will not do every character only the ones that seem interesting or a good challenge. I want to try and step out of my comfort zone of side profile headshots, unless there is a lot of emotion. Please fill out the form below so I have all the information needed. Again I will only do sketches and I won't actually being doing a commission as it's okay a sketch. Do not remove my pack number or signature! If I do sketch your character the sketch belongs to both you and me as I might alter it and make it for myself. Mods, please move this if its in the wrong section I didn't know where to put this. Edited at January 11, 2021 08:43 PM by B R A V E

Pack Name: Pack Number: Character: Species: Gender: Pose: Expression:
Edited at December 26, 2018 04:04 PM by B R A V E

Once I complete a sketch I'll post it here and please give any feedback and critique! Edited at January 16, 2019 10:04 PM by B R A V E

Pack Name: Howliday Pack Number: 205669 Character: https://i.imgsafe.org/53/53c53c99a7.png Species: Griffin Gender: Male Pose: Some kind of angry stance? Expression: Mad, upset, hurt?
(Sorry if it isn't open yet ^^)

Pack Name: Redmire Pack Number: 153879 Character: https://i.postimg.cc/W1KpgBvT/E6-D59-BA3-E95-B-415-B-933-B-08-AF0-ECDCBCB.jpg Species: Wolf Gender: Male Pose: Sitting Expression: Baffled

Pack Name: Kylie Hatake Pack Number: 202022 Character: https://i.postimg.cc/C1X3n15y/wipfennec.png Species: Wolf Gender: Female Pose: Cowardly? or Shy? Expression: Shy Edited at December 26, 2018 05:17 PM by Kylie Hatake

Pack name: Ticci Toby Pack number: 221210 Character: https://postimg.cc/4Hh8qcBx Species: wolf Gender: male Pose: playfull Expression: happy ^^
<div style="text-align: center;">Wink <div style="text-align: center;">Wonk
Edited at December 26, 2018 05:53 PM by Ticci Toby

Pack Name: SegoLily Pack number: 85543 Character: http://oi68.tinypic.com/25tbytk.jpg Species: Dolphin (just do the fetal form) Gender; Female Pose: Playing? Expression: Happy, mischevious... whichever is easiest for you.
Dolphins aren't exactly drawn a whole lot.
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Pack Name: RiverSong Pack Number: 49203 Name: Athena Species: Cat Gender: Female Pose: any (chasing a butterfly if it's not hard) Expression: cute? happy.
I know she doesn't count as a character but she was very cute <3
https://i.postimg.cc/nVTy43M0/IMG-4200.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/4yrbvCcY/IMG-5900.jpg
I hope you get some good practice! Good luck with your art!! :D
Edited at December 26, 2018 08:06 PM by RiverSong

My boy Griffin might interest you :)
Pack Name: New~Horizons Pack Number: 196887 Character: https://i.postimg.cc/vQDcRbmR/da060c17-afa2-4bca-aa70-a8fe950f921a-2.png Species: Unnamed Original species Gender: Male Pose: If you can protective stance, with his wings outstretched to his side if possible. He has control over the spikes that go down his back, so maybe with them pointing straight up?
Either snarling or just with his fags bared