
Game Moderator Darkseeker
Uh, question.
So if I want to colour in a line art with black lines, and my OC is just a black furred wolf, how do I colour the wolf in without losing the lines?
Does that make sense?
Help :')

Make the wolf a lighter black then the lines.

lighter black lines for the lineart and a normal or dark black colour for the wolf itself

Do a small bit of white between the two blacks to make the lines visible

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Panic-- that would make the whole thing look terrible.
You can either make the lines lighter colored: https://i.postimg.cc/C1Tmf1PH/image.png
Or just lighten up your wolf: https://i.postimg.cc/L5ytv6TW/image.png

When making a black wolf, you should actually never use the pure color black. That makes it look like a shapeless blob, as demonstrated by Venn. Make it a couple shades lighter, make it a dark grey. (it doesn't even have to be that dark! We still get the idea of blackness if you use a medium gray). If you're not going to shade, though, you might want to use a dark grey. But if you start with medium gray and then shade with dark grey or something very close to black, it will end up looking black.

Other members summed this up pretty well, but I rarely ever use pure black or white in art - it's just not natural. Usually a dark grey gets the point across - you could also use a dark cool or warm grey to make it more interesting~
Also, I'm going to move this to Art Help because I think it fits better there. c:

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Ah, thank you, everyone! ^^
I'll try my best to get this line art of my OC to come out relatively (hopefully) nice :)