
So I have been drawing my own bases for the last few months, after just using premade line arts for my artwork before which started to feel boring to me. But my line arts aren't the greatest. There are two main things I need help with:
Fur (I have no clue how to draw it) Making smooth lines/having correct line thickness
I would love to know what art program you use, since mine, sketch.io, is extremely limited and doesn't even have a proper shading tool. However I'm quite limited in what I can download on my Chromebook's OS which doesn't like most (or any from what I've found) art programs. So something on the cloud would be great too.
General critique is also appreciated.
Here is an old example: http://oi65.tinypic.com/35k1kzo.jpg
Here is a more recent example: http://oi66.tinypic.com/9rkkdf.jpg Edited at September 2, 2018 07:52 AM by The Alchemist

Hello, I could help you out! However with the program that, I can't since I use an IPad. I use Procreate, and it coasted me $10. However I can give you an example on fur. The thickness, the best thing I can say for that is look at the actual animal. Analyse them, and when you draw think of the animal, or even person. Also look at other peoples art, that helped a lot with me, and of course practice! The more you practice the better you get. I have gone a long way in a couple of years.

I use sketch! I dont know if its similar to what you use but it definitely helps. For smooth straights lines i suggest zooming in as much as possible and drawing out lines little by little. Its time consuming but its worth it! For fur, you do not want to go too spiky. Try a little bit of wavy lines. Try looking at a wolf sillhouettes for examples. I love your bases by the way! :D Edited at September 2, 2018 07:56 AM by Breath of the Alpha

What do you use to draw?
(Phone, tablet, laptop) Edited at September 2, 2018 08:00 AM by Nova

Have you tried MediBang Paint Pro? or Jump Paint. I use both~

[MOD EDIT: No credits and Google isn't an image hosting site.]
Here is an example of my art.^^ Edited at September 2, 2018 08:14 AM by Nova

You can download GIMP for free or use Paint Tool SAI which is a better program but the free download is only good for 31 days before it expires and you have to buy the full version which I'm not sure on the price.
As for the art critique, I think your more recent linear is an improvement from the last one, but the anatomy is definitely in need of some work. And you need more details overall. Here are a couple links that I found extremely helpful:
For wolf and dog anatomy: https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/how-to-draw-animals-dogs-and-wolves-and-their-anatomy--vector-18350
For drawing lineart with fur outline: https://easydrawingguides.com/how-to-draw-a-wolf/
Hope this helps at least a little!

Thanks for all the help guys!
I currently use my laptop (chromebook, not touch screen) to draw but I do have a school-issued iPad available to me. Any iPad drawing apps that you know work well would be great, even if they cost money cause I have like $20 in redeemed gift cards sitting in my iTunes account.

I know a good art program, and it's 100% free.
It's called "Firealpaca" you can download it, just look it up

I've heard it's good but it doesn't have a version compatible with my Chromebook's OS. Thanks though!