
Edit: FINISHED!! Edit: Looking for suggestions like.. i.e "a curly tail!" "an annoyed expression" --- Here's what I have so far~ Base (Wolf/dog) https://s25.postimg.cc/ajkrp333z/BASE.png Ears - Long flop Short flop Wolf No ears Tall ears Nicked Cropped Short
Tails - Fluffy Skinny Bob Curly Wolf Collie Bent Stub No tail
Markings?? - Freckles Spots Brindle Saddle Points Patches
Expressions - Smile Sad/Upset
Silly Serious Angry Embarrassed Wink
Accessories - Flower Crown Scars Glasses Gauges Bracelets Necklace Collar Mane Bandana (Mane) Bandana Earring
I'm looking for these type of suggestions~! Let me know~! This WILL be a free base, compatible with programs that can open .sai images.
I will also be posting the base, ears, tails, etc. to Postimage so others can use it too.
Edited at September 1, 2018 10:32 PM by CrownFerret

Give it a long curly black tail with blue on the end hairs, the ears should be wolf ears with blue on the tip. Make the eyes galaxy and the expression smile :) You could add gold and silver rings to his ears and make it have tuffs of fur on the baclk of its legs. Make chest hir fluffier and claws. Add white dots under the eyes and you should have a good looking male :0

Broken_Spirits said: Give it a long curly black tail with blue on the end hairs, the ears should be wolf ears with blue on the tip. Make the eyes galaxy and the expression smile :) You could add gold and silver rings to his ears and make it have tuffs of fur on the baclk of its legs. Make chest hir fluffier and claws. Add white dots under the eyes and you should have a good looking male :0
I wasn't looking for designs, this is a line base I'm creating ^^ I was looking for more like... you suggested a curly tail. That's the sort of suggestions I'm looking for ^^

You could add pre-made markings :D

Tail maybe a long fluffy one. Or a short 'bob' cat tail as I will call it. Even a wolf tail, or a border collie type tail. Or a skinny tail type. Edited at September 1, 2018 08:02 PM by Bandit Bantam

A slight smile maybe? Abnormally long ears. Some sort of mane

Expressions -
Upset Happy Silly Serious Moody Cranky Angry

tails: curly tail, bobtail, fox tail, bent tail, scruffy tail, long tail, normal wolf tail.
expressions: normal, happy, nervous, grumpy, sad, tired, excited, sticking out tongue
accessories: earrings, bandana, collar, necklace, bracelets, flowers
hope that helped! just some suggestions, no need to use them all. Edited at September 1, 2018 08:10 PM by Toska Pack

- cropped ears (like a Dobermans) - long flowy tail - angry expression - excited expression - sad expression - gangster expression - flower crown - fang necklace - various scars/wounds - nicked ears -ear gauges
Edited at September 1, 2018 08:12 PM by Artem
