
Bow, I reallllly should know the answer to this, but I don't. If I were to breed two, let's say, uncommon pelted wolves, will the reasulting pups' coats be completely random? I know that non-AC coats cannot be inherited, but I'm wondering if the pups would be more likely to have the pelt of their grandparents (if the grandparents have common coats)

Grandparents have absolutely no effect on the look or stats of their pups. The pups of two uncommon / non-common pelted wolves would have random coats.
Though I personally believe there is a slightly increased chance of the pups inheriting the uncommon coats of their parents, this has not been confirmed

They get completely random pelts (with a slightly higher chance of pups getting non-common ones). There's no genetics in this game so the granparents' coat doesn't matter.

Thank you all. That's what I was thinking, but I thought I'd check.