

A brindle pup is a pup that has brindle markings.
You can only complete the associated quest by having one of your females give birth to a pup with brindle markings. To increase your chance of having one, your female either needs to have brindle markings, breed with a male with brindle markings, or both.

This wolf has a silver Brindle marking.
The silver that a almost looks like thunder is the Brindle. Edited at July 6, 2018 09:05 PM by Legends never Die

Legends never Die said: https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1819093
This wolf has a silver Brindle marking.
The silver that a almost looks like thunder is the Brindle.
You can't always see it well on wolves though, so it's best to go by the markings listed under Pelt Color.