
With permission from the artist, I was wondering if you were allowed to buy art here and use it on one of the sister sites. I'm not too sure if it's breaking any rules or not, and I hadn't seen it asked before, so I was just wondering.

I'm pretty sure you can if you say it's off WP.

Obviously your own art can, but not sure about others if it were to be used on the sister sites. I would assume you could, just as long as there was proper credit.

The crediting might be different because they wouldn't have the same pack/clan/whatever horse Eden uses # on a sister site. I think maybe it would work if you put their pack # from wp on it, but in front of the # put WP for wolfplay so mods on the other site know. Edited at May 27, 2018 07:33 AM by Animeslayer327

The crediting would probably look like '#23232 @ wolfplay . com' or something similar. That's how I would credit it, at least. Edited at May 27, 2018 10:00 AM by Xeno