
Well, I'm just going to get straight to the questions.
1. Is there a full list of awards posted anywhere? If so, can I see it? 2. Does adding maternity CP during a wolf's pregnancy help their chance of having multiple pups or do you have to have the maternity CP before hand? 3. I had a wolf leave the pack, and I can't find them in the list of names. They aren't old enough to die yet. Does that mean they're gone forever or can the original owner see them?

1.) As far as I'm concerned, no. 2.) Yes, you can add to maternal during pregnancy. It works for me anyway 3.) Only The original owner can retrieve the wolf.

1) Same as above. No. But it's mostly just the 10 30 50 rarity awards and the Alpha Leader board awards and the ones from events. 2) Pups are generated at birth, so yes. So if the male is customnized when the female is pregnant, i think you get pups generated from the custom, not the original male. 3) Original owner can retrieve the wolf from their account page. Only if midnight haven't passed that day yet. You only have till midnight to retrieve wolves free ranged that day.

Okay, thanks for your help! :D