
Hey, is it possible to use a green fern on a non-pregnant wolf? Because I bought this wolf not pregnant and bred her, and it says she has a green fern, which I absolutely don't remember buying.

I'm just nervous if I had bought one without even knowing, but it just seems very odd that I would misclick buying it AND using it on her.

I believe breeding items are supposed to be used when a wolf is pregnant, but I am not positive.

Have you checked you secretary bird to see if you accidentally bought a fern?
If you hired it, that is.

Game Moderator Neutral
Breeding items can only be used while a wolf is pregnant, so that seems really odd.
I'd recommend checking your secretary bird to see if the fern could have been accidentally bought with apples or in someone else's market den. It'd be 4 apples if bought in the apple section of barter, I'm not sure what it would of been priced if it was from another users market den
And by any chance, does anyone else have access to your account that could have bought the fern, whether on purpose or accidentally, and used it on her?
Edited at April 12, 2018 05:28 PM by Destinations End
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I hired the secretary bird. I used CTRL+F to find "apple" and "green fern", but nothing came up. I'm really confused now.
No one else has access to my account, either. EDIT: At least, I think. Edited at April 12, 2018 05:46 PM by a m b e r

Game Moderator Neutral
I'm really not sure what would of happened then. Is there any higher priced purchase with mushrooms from another users market den listed in the secretary bird by any chance?
perhaps make a bug report if you're 100% sure you never bought the fern.
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Me, neither. Because based on this:
I doubt that I've bought it from a market den, especially when green ferns are >3000 mush. If I apparently bought it for one of these^^ prices, then that's great, but I don't think that's the case.
I probably will make a bug report. I hope I am not making a mistake because that would be embarrassing, but with all of this evidence, it seems kind of unlikely. Edited at April 12, 2018 05:53 PM by a m b e r

Game Moderator Neutral
Include the full screenshot of the secretary bird. Eve can probably look into your purchases and see if one happened to be a green fern
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Here it is, just in case:
Thank you!