Rune Baines
“A little optimism here and there does us all some good.”
Ru (He highly prefers going by ‘Rune’ though)
He’s solely committed to the pack for the time being
Role in Pack:
“Change is the one thing each and every one of us have in common; it alters our lives, our environment, our selves, and even the world. For better or worse.”
Leader || Head Strong || Ambitious || Determined || Just || Moral || Honest || Understanding || Patient || Careful With Trust || Calculated || Overthinker || Non-judgmental || Protective || Adaptive || Observant || Cautious || Serious || Thoughtful || Empathetic || Helpful || Communicative || Forgiving || Only Lies to Protect Others || Emotionally Reserved || Demonstrates Great Self-Control || Witty
Great and natural leadership is the quality Rune prides himself the most in, and something that he wields with ease. Rune, even as a child, has always been the head strong, determined, and fiercely ambitious person he is in the present. Justice and a heavy presence of morality have always been his basic principles and frame of mind for his doings, and these attributes have only hardened as he’s taken on a leading role in the pack he values so greatly. Honesty, above most things, is a very important characteristic to him. And while he is painfully honest with others at all times, he expects it in return as well. It bothers Rune to deal with those that make a habit of bending or omitting truths from him, and while he is more inclined to call those individuals out in private, he’s understanding of individual circumstances and truth dodging as well. And with this understanding comes his excellent level of patience, despite his tendency to tread lightly on the basis of full-hearted trust. With being an extremely loyal person though, he is very careful with who he trusts, but he’d rather be calculated than being stabbed in the back. Rune is also one to never really judge others, despite the fact he may not always agree or understand their viewpoint. He easily retains a face of unbiased neutrality, which makes settling disputes and treating everyone equally a rather easy feat for him. However, Rune is far more inclined to measure others by their personality. Things such as opinion or appearance don’t amount too much to the impression others make on him, but it’s certainly the varying aspects of one’s personality that stick with Rune’s long term perspective of others.
Being someone who possesses a strong sense of leadership, he is also highly adaptable to most situations. Whether it be in conversation or in a far tenser situation, Rune is one to play the cards he is dealt even when they are shuffled abruptly. While of course he does demonstrate a great deal of patience, he usually only gives it to those he feels are worth his time or deserving of a little more patience. An action driven person is what he is, but he is in no way impulsive. His level of observance and caution leads him to make what he believes to be the best course of said action. And these more calculated tendencies can land him into the world of overthinking things from time to time, but he’s simply trying to mull over the pros and cons that come with each decision. Rune tends to reflect a more serious aura to him with all things considered, which would be a correct reflection, but there’s just too much in his life for him to ever consider going lax on his careful thoughts, planning, and decision making.
Rune is a fairly gentle natured entity, considering the level of thoughtfulness, empathy, and morality he possesses. He’s never one to place himself before anyone else, and despite being in a position of higher authority, he certainly doesn’t let it go to his head, nor does he think he’s necessarily ‘better’ than anyone else. Rune’s faith is placed more into individuals and their potential, which makes him naturally more in tune with seeing the better side of everyone. Small insertions of inspiration and build ups is what he may offer from time to time with people he sees struggling, but he has a little trouble diving deep into hearty conversations. Encouraging is something he can be, but he has a small habit of expressing disappointment when he sees individuals not applying themselves to the level of greatness he believes they have.
Despite Rune’s desire to give and receive honesty at all times, he does have a bit of a contradictory flaw when it comes to lying. He tends to fabricate or weave brilliant webs of lies in the name of protecting someone. If he truly believes that lying is for the best in a situation, then he will do so. It’s not as if Rune lies out of sheer malice or intends to manipulate, he’s simply contemplating the best interests of someone else… even if that someone didn’t ask. Rune is also someone who forgives but never forgets being wronged. He may not go out of his way to get revenge, or get even, but he will make his lack of trust and faith quite evident to the individual who lost it. There’s not many things that could actually get under Rune’s skin enough to spark any rage in him, and quite honestly he is typically one to handle things such as anger with a respectable level of grace. Handling emotions with fluid ease is something he’s always naturally excelled at though, so it’s no surprise that even stronger, negative emotions are something he can keep in check.
“I’m not lecturing, it’s called constructive criticism.”

Credits to Mano! on Picrew
At first glance, Rune's features embody a near intimidating coldness. A defined jawline setting the build of his more heart shaped face combines well with his sharper set of cheekbones. His eyes though are his most prominent facial feature and usually the first thing one notices upon first gazing upon Rune. These eyes of his always hold a great restlessness, with several shades of sterling silver and gray constantly swirling and storming, while his irises are flecked with a darker shade of brown. A dark set of ever so slightly curled, and thicker lashes frame his slightly hooded eyes. And looking past his eyes, the brows that rest above are angled and only add definition to his hardened stares. His nose is more delicately structured, but slightly down turned. His softer rose shade lips are thinner and are usually always held in a straight line. Rune’s rich, chocolate colored hair is practically always slicked back to retain a more respectable fashion. Never can one catch his hair disheveled in any way though, as it usually retains a faint combed and groomed appearance at all times.
He stands at a more average height of 5 '11, though his posture could give the impression that he’s just a smidge taller considering how well he holds himself. His build is fairly proportional considering he's not heavily lined with insane muscles, but isn't lacking in that department either. He's certainly noticeably toned, which is more suitable to someone who would be considered a swift combatant. His overall skin color is a soft olive, with faintly warmer undertones to compliment his overall complexion. There, of course, a variety of smaller and vastly faded scars littering his body in various places, but none are of grave significance both in appearance, and how they were earned.
In his wolf form, Rune certainly embodies a more intimidating and daunting appearance. While he isn’t exactly the largest of shifted wolves -weighing roughly 110 pounds and measuring 5 and a half feet from nose to tip of the tail, and standing at 29 inches at the shoulder-, he makes up for it with a frame built for a more nimble, and agile wolf. Similar to his human form, Rune’s wolf form possesses strikingly silver orbs. And while he would very much oppose the words “fluffy” and “soft” in regards to describing the texture of his fur, his coat is exactly both of those things. The color of this “not fluffy” fur is that of an ombre between a darker chestnut brown, and a more onyx tinted black. He does have his fair share of darker golden splashes along his face and lightly littering his forelegs, but that’s as far as that color goes.
Hidden Talents:
Green Thumb; Not only does Rune hold a secret love for plant life, but he’s rather gifted in getting various plants to grow
Archery; It started as a fun pastime as a child, but now Rune could be considered a greatly talented archer
Trivia; He’s an endless of fountain of various and quite random knowledgeable tidbits
Darts; Also something that started as a fun pastime, and now he can’t seem to miss his target
His actions getting someone hurt
Being unable to help, protect, or defend his loved ones
Mindful of others
Quick reflexes
More stubborn than he lets on
Being a bit too serious
Can be a bit of a perfectionist
Could be better off in the sheer strength department
It’s considered a miracle to catch Rune genuinely smiling, as he’s more likely to have a thoughtful, or more serious expression plastered to his face. Of course he enjoys having fun and relaxing from time to time, he's just less likely to indulge in it when he has other "pressing" things he believes should be attended to.
Relationship Status:
Single, but open - PM me
(Might go a bit more in depth later)
Nikkos Baines - Father - Alive
Freya Baines - Mother - Alive
Spencer Baines - Brother - Alive
Open - PM me
RP Example:
Already sent ;)
“No, no, no. I'm not taking sides on the pineapple on pizza debate.”
A yin and yang symbol on the inside of his right wrist.