
Surviving Extinction
Basic Plot: A Pack of Utah Raptors has lived "peacefully" in their territory for years, never fully being contested by another pack for as long as they can remember. There are, of course, always going to be other predators looking to make a meal out of them, but mostly they are just passing through. Everything from Rexes to other Utahs have tried to make meals of the Utah Pack, it's a reality they live with. But no adversary is worth than the Pack of Allos that passes through every year, hunting the Utahs like they are the prey. The relief though? They always leave after a few weeks, and don't come back for another year.
This year is different though.
The pack of Allos has arrived earlier than normal, and unlike their normally nomadic ways, they have been seen making a nesting site within the territory of the Utahs. Unsure of the Allos intentions, the Utahs were content just to keep a wary eye on them, fully believing they would leave eventually. However, that all changed one night when a coordinated attack by the Allos left one of the Lead Utah's heirs dead. A nearly grown Utah raptor dead, almost targeted, by the allos. This was not something that was common, even whenever the Allos passed through, it was always hatchlings, juveniles, or elders that were attacked, being slower and weaker than the adults in their prime.
Now It's been made clear, though, that the Allos have no interest in leaving. No. They plan to stay, and they plan to make the territory their own, and push out the Utah Raptors, or kill them all. It's an all out war between the two packs, and with neither willing to back down, it'll be an all out blood bath by the end.
This will be rewritten to be more interesting and better paced and layed out.
This rp has been in progress by me for a while. If you have any questions, please feel free to Pm me. Edited at November 22, 2022 04:57 PM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules1. Follow all of Eve's and WP's Rules.2. Be Active. Do not Join just to Never Finish you Character, or Post in Rp Or Discussion. Which means post at least every 2-3 days, and if you're inactive for over three days, you'll be removed. 3. This is a Semi-Realistic Rp, I know it might be a little tricky seeing as it is a dinosaur Rp. But I expect everyone to follow the Loose Guides I have set out for Each Dinosaur. 4. . This is semi-literate. That means we require full sentences for appearance and personality (yes, even if you have an image for appearance. I need measurements and scars/things that aren't shown on the image). Put your favorite colour in other, but hide it in a sentence. 5. This also means that you need at least 1 paragraph, with at least 5 sentences per paragraph, per post per character, with acceptable grammar and spelling. We understand writers block, but we need something to reply to. 6. If you are fighting, allow others to reply, and do not dodge every hit, or land every hit. 8. No perfect characters, godmoding, powerplaying etc. None of that will be tolerated. 9. Don't have your character be "that guy". Don't have them constantly disobey orders, or constantly wander off--doing this sometimes is okay, but c'mon, really? It doesn't make you fun, it makes you annoying. 10. No instant-mates, or being mates with your own character. Put the missing number from the rules in other as well. 11. I reserve the right to deny applications. 12. Three strikes and "you're out". Break three rules, and you will be removed. Get three warnings, and you will be removed. Likewise, if we have to tell you to fix your form three times, we reserve the right to deny your application. 13. Drama in the RP is encouraged, however, OOC (Out Of OC) drama will not be tolerated. If you have an issue, PM me, and I will sort it out. 14. Reservations last 48 hours! 15. There will be a Four Character Limit! If you want to have more than four characters, you must seek permission from us. 16. Lastly, and most importantly, have fun! Shout out to Polly for creating these rules for a past rp.
The Utah Pack Rules 1. No hunting alone, or going off alone. Safety is numbers, and numbers is the Utah game. 2. Hatchlings, Juveniles and Nests are to be Protected at All Costs. If a hatchling is harmed while under your care, there will be consequences. 3. Any sort of associating with the allos is not allowed. Taunting during fights, yes. Friendly conversation, no. 4. The Lead's Word is Law. Disobeying them can result in death or exile. 5. Retreat only when given the order to.
The Allo Pack Rules 1. All Utahs are the Enemy. They are to be treated as such. 2. The Lead's Words are Law. Disobeying them can result in death or exile. 3. Never go off without permission, and preferably not alone. 4. Hatchlings and Juveniles are to be protected from others at all costs. 5. Fall behind, get left behind.

The Dinosaur Guides
The Utah Raptor Aka "Utah(s)" General Info & Size: The Utah is the largest raptor species known to man, standing at 5 feet tall at the hip (~8-9 Feet at the Head) and 18-22 feet long. They are they fastest carnivore when sprinting, have the stamina to match, and one of the only creatures that can jump. Their manueverability is unparralled, and even alone can be troublesome for anything. Appearance: Utahs come in any color, but traditionally males are flashier in colors and have more striking appearances, where as females are more muted tones in color. Males also have brightly colored crests that vary in color. These colors can be red, blue, green, orange, etc. Hunting Techniques: They will only ever hunt in numbers, rarely ever solo. They prefer the slash and dash method when hunting. They are also known for running down prey, and love the chase. The Utah is also known for it's pouncing attack, able to launch itself at another, and latch onto it's side, effectively slowing it down and doing damage at the same time. This does leave them vulnerable if knocked off though. However, Utahs will only retreat when given the order to by the highest ranking raptor. If one of their own dies, they will ignore it's body and continue the hunt. Pack Information: Utahs have high respect for the hierarchy, and usually always listen to their leads. Squabbles are brief and don't often end in injury, with the exception to rank challenges. They are pack/family orientated, and will always look out for one another, even if one is injured, sick, etc. There is no such thing as a raptor left behind. They also all help raise each other's young. Leaders: They are lead by a matriarchal female. Group Size: 4-9 Adults
The Allosaurus Aka "Allo(s)" General Info & Size: A large carnivore, Allos tend to stand at 14-16 feet tall, and 30-35 feet long. They are formidable when in packs, though they typically go after smaller prey when alone. Despite being a rather large carnivore, they are meant more for long distance running, as they have decent speed and good stamina. Appearance: Allos tend to be more balanced in color, usually the only way to differentiate a male from a female is by the colorful crest the male's have. These crest colors can be red, blue, green, orange, etc. Hunting Techniques: Allos usually hunt in groups, but will go after small things alone. Allos hunt in coordinated attacks, preferring stealthier approaches that end in Ambushes. Allos are also known to chase down prey for miles, wearing it out over long distances so it doesn't put up as much of a fight in end confrontations. At which point, they will go in for direct bites, either to do damage, or to hold the prey still and/or pull it down. Still, though, they tend to go after prey they know they can take down, and are likely to back off if it's clear they aren't going to win. If one of their own dies, they'll end the hunt and eat them instead. Pack Information: Being previously nomadic, the hierarchy isn't set in stone, but even then, Allos are more challenging, and likely to have more serious squabbles. Allos perceived as weak are at risk of being kicked out if they cannot prove their worth, and may even be killed and eaten. They are pack orientated creatures, and make very devoted parents to their own young, they will not help raise another's. They'll work as a pack to protect all the young, but when it comes down to it, parents are always going to choose their offspring and themselves over another. Leaders: A pack is lead by a mated pair, though one of the pair is always more dominant. Group Size: 3-6 Adults

Brief Rank Descirptions
Utah Pack
Alpha Female She is the Matriarchal Female of the pack. Not the oldest female in the pack, but one who trained since birth to lead. Usually passed down by blood, but not always. She is the most dominant raptor in the pack, even over the Alpha Male, and makes all the decisions for the pack. Her word is law, her mate is the Alpha Male. Her rank can be challenged for.
Alpha Male He is the mate of the Alpha Female, and holds very little, if any, extra power in the pack. His role cannot be challenged for, but he can be replaced if the Alpha Female desires another.
Beta Female She is the second in command to the Alpha Female. She helps facilitate all the Alpha's orders and makes sure the pack keeps in line. If she gives orders, they are to be respected, as they likely have come from the Alpha. Her rank can be challenged for, but only with the Alpha Female's approval. . Pack Members These are all the other adult and young adult raptors in the pack. They are the bulk of the pack.
Juveniles These are the youth of the pack. Not old enough to participate in hunts, but old enough to go along and watch from safety. This is the age where they begin training and learning, but are carefully kept away from harm by the adults.
Hatchlings These are the baby raptors of the group, the ones who are tiny and not allowed to leave the nests. They are all born a more dark, muddy color for camoflauge. Hatchlings are considered juveniles once their colors start to come through.
The Allo Pack
Dominant Pair This is the male and female who are the mated pair that lead the pack. They are only mated to each other, and if one dies, they may find another to replace the lost mate. If another allo wants to lead, or wishes to be mated to to one of the leading pair, they may challenge the Allo of the same gender. They do not need to seek the one they are fighting for's approval, but they may have to also challenge them if they don't. They are the leaders, though, and their word is law.
Commander This is the allo who is second in command to the dominant pair. Can be male or female. However, they have been trained by the dominant pair on how to lead if anything should happen to them. This position can be challenged for but must have the Dominant Pair's permission.
Pack Members These are all the other adult and young adult allos in the pack. They are the bulk of the pack.
Juveniles These are the youth of the pack. Not old enough to participate in hunts, but old enough to go along and watch. This is the age where they begin training and learning, but are usually (not always) kept away from harm.
Hatchlings These are the baby raptors of the group, the ones who are tiny and not allowed to leave the nests. They are all born a more dark, muddy color for camoflauge. Hatchlings are considered juveniles once their colors start to come through.

Available Roles
The Utah Pack Max 9 Adults
Alpha Female Reserved for Me
Alpha Male Locked
Beta Female Reserved for Terebinth Wolves
Pack Members Reserved for Terebinth Wolves Reserved for Fruit Lovers
Juveniles Reserved for Terebinth Wolves Reserved for Fruit Lovers
The Allo Pack Max 6 Adults
Dominant Pair Rp Sample Required Female | Reserved for Fruit Lovers
Commander Rp Sample Required
Pack Members Reserved for Me Reserved for Terebinth Wolves
Hatchlings Edited at November 23, 2022 08:28 AM by Imperial Sands

The Application Form
Name: Gender: Age: [Hatchling, Juvenile, Young Adult, Adult, Elder] Species: [Utah Raptor or Allosaurus] Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Mate: Offspring: Kin: Other:

This is Open Now. Have fun!

Name: Mazarine; Often called any shortened rendition of her name. Gender: Female Age: Adult Species: Utah Raptor Rank: Alpha Female Desired Rank: Content Appearance: Mazarine is a prime specimen for a Utah Raptor. She stands at exactly 5 feet at her hip, and comes in over 8 feet tall when she stands up straight, and a few inches over 20 feet long. She's a Utah Raptor in her prime, and holds a well muscular figure without being considered too heavy. Her legs are powerful, experly designed for jumping and running. If she was a forelegged animal, her kick would be lethal, thankfully she's not, though she has been known to slash with her sickle claw when able to. Her tail is long and well muscled too, able to help her turn and move on a dime without losing balance. This has caused her few to be incredibly sure footed in most terrains, and able to run at top speeds and still turn without falling over. Her tail is also well muscled for the other purpose of smacking others with it, and you can believe that she would.
Unlike other Utahs, though, Maza does not have feathers adorning her body. Instead she is covered in thick hide that helps aid her in fighting. It's still penetrable, but not as easily as something more akin to human skin. Her teeth are razor sharp, designed for slashing and ripping, and while her claws are designed for grabbing, but are also sharp and long enough to slash and rip as well. It's her sickly claw on each foot though that is reach good at sinking into something to hold her stable, especially during a pounce. You can bet it hurts too if she slashes with it.
Her head is more narrow, smooth and feminine in it's appearance. It's clear she's female because her head is more round and narrow than square and robust. Even her muscular figure seems to have more curvaceous features. Her hips, for example, are wider from having laid eggs before, and give her a better center of gravity to help aid her in various different tasks, such as laying eggs and holding on during a pounce. Other small features, less noticable, but still there, are the fact that her feet aren't as wide and more narrow, same with her hands.
Standing out as a uniquely colored, and rather pretty raptor, Mazarines's coloration is both catching while also not being too bright. Her base color is a pretty maroon color, medium in in color while being a red-purple hue. The markings along her back and sides, an odd assortment of spotting that looks more like less sharp striping, are a darker version of her base coat, coming in as a dark red mahogany color. This color also covers most of her face and muzzle too, before it thins out and turns into the markings down her back. As it goes down her tail, though, it becomes heavy again, before completely covering the last few inches of her tail. The color ends about half way down her body jaw (and her tail), where her underbelly color comes in, a grey color that has the barest hint of tan to it that combines nicely with the reddish purple of her base color. Oddly enough, where her underbelly meets her base color, it's actually her base color that bleeds into the underbelly color, turning into the same markings that the dark mahogany has over her back. It makes for an eye pleasing transition that isn't too harsh.
Her eyes, which are more reptillian in nature, are a reddish gold color, being a more red color on the outside, and become a true, bright gold as they get closer to the pupil. Her claws are all a dark black in color, pretty standard among utah raptors, and the pads of her feet are just slightly darker than her underbelly color, but not the same color as her claws. Her scent is something herby and bold. Her voice is a lower octive, without being unfeminine. Personality: TBA Leveled Headed & Calm Definitely a Thinker & Planner Can be Quite Stubborn Vicious & Relentless at Times Responsibile & Reliable Intelligent, Quick Thinking, & Adaptable Fiercely Loyal & Protective Mild Overachiever Maternal & Sometimes Nurturing Gets Frustrated When Things Don't Go As Planned (Her Way) Prefers to Always Be In Charge Does NOT Like Insubordination, Especially in Stress Rather Loving and Attentive Crush: Open Mate: None now. Offspring: Open to 1-2 Juveniles and 1-2 Hatchlings Kin: Possibly a Sister or Brother Other: Maz recently demoted the Previous Alpha Male when her heir died while under his watch. Her current offspring are his. Pm me if you wish for your male to be him.

Reserve me a, Beta female utah(If its alright ^^ but you already know my rp skill), utah member, utah Juvenile and allo member please. Ill get to work on them tomorrow. :D

Reserve a Juvenile and Pack Member both Utahs? Maybe could I also reserve the dominant female of the allos? I could finish them tommorow by possibility.