
I'm sure many of you noticed my old RP Partner search forums, and yes, I did forget about them (my apologies). I'm searching for literate rpers, but I don't mind if you make a few paragraphs. Everyone suffers from writer's block or accidental spelling errors, even me, as you can guess. I don't care if you might be inactive for some time, considering life gets busy and pulls your attention. I also get that. My Pairing Preferences: FxF MxF MxM I'm down for any kind of plot twist, character development, world, lore, etc. Don't be afraid to shoot me a PM about your desired plots/ideas. Down below is a list of genres that I'm interested in doing: Royalty x Commoner/Mage/Knight Royalty x Royalty Superhero/Supervillian x Superhero/Supervillain Any Supernatural x Any Supernatural/Human Western Assassin x Assassin Assassin x Target Rival x Rival Roommate x Roommate Apocalypse Cyberpunk Medieval Steampunk RP Example: Tamesis x Blissful
Edited at March 12, 2023 10:48 PM by Tamesis

Omg yes. My roleplay response lengths depend on how much you give me to work with. Royalty x commoner/Mage/Knight could be interesting. Maybe throw in supernatural/animal/unhuman features? Just throwing ideas out there. I started a roleplay like this but I responded once and never heard back from them.

Hey there! I genuinely cannot remember if we had an RP together or not, I do think we have been in several group RPs though? Anyways, my writings tend to be on the longer and descriptive side, although I do have a tendency to mirror my partner's length.
I would especially be interested in the superhero/supervillain genre, I actually did have an idea regarding that.

Hi, my response depends on what you give me. I would be interested in assasion X target maybe add a bit of supernatural in thare two

hi there, very interested. i would consider myself to be semi-literate to literate, depending on what response i get of course. even with writers block i still try to give as much as i can. as for plots, there's definitely a couple id be interested in. definitely assassin x assassin (or target), apocalypse, roommate x roommate. all of those sound very interesting. i can do any pairing, however i don't have much experience with MxM. if you're interested feel free to shoot me a PM! id be happy to send an RP example and answer any questions if you have any for me!

Not sure if this is still open but I'd love to start an RP with you :)