

Name: Kelio Thanter Age: 19 1/2 Gender: Female Appearance: Credit here: BloopPersonality: Kelio is rather reserved and prefers to keep to herself. Shes not seen too much in the city, and is more seen in the woods protecting her pack. Being a feline shifter did have its perks, but something accidents happen. Kelios known to be quite clumsy and curious in her freetime. Knows how to fight. Edited at December 2, 2022 09:28 PM by HonorableOracle

Name Sera Lynn fisher Age 18 Gender Female Apearances She stand 5.8 hh got reddish blonde hair with blue eyes she wears blue jeans and a black shirt or a red depending on the mood she is in she has a scar on her belly and back doesn't say anything about them she wants a tattoo Personally She is a kind girl loves hanging out with people even her friends she want to be a little bit more quiet then a chatter box she doesn't like being in danger or her friend she has a lot of stories to tell Sera know she is pretty but doesn't show it around Family All passed away Wife None Kids None Other None

Sera Sera walks out of her bedroom to the kitchen to get something to eat since she wasn't awake at 8 before her parents when to work but she didn't mind Sera made egg bacon and French toast then walks back to her room with the place breakfast in bed she lays down turn on her computer and looks through things before eating her breakfast and taking a shower getting ready to go out

Kelio Powerful hind legs allowed the feline to easily spring through the brush, hot on the tail of an intruder. She assumed it was a human who had just gotten lost, but boundries are boundaries, no matter who you are. Eventually Kelio gets them off the land and makes her way into the city for the day to get everything handled for the day. Stopping behind some buildings she shifts, before heading around to browse for a few things.

Sera Sera walks outside and smiles before walking around towards the biggest part of the city to go shopping hoping not to bump into the bullies as she walked Sera house was far from downtown and she need the walk since her mom and dad took her car probably it was time fore them to get a car Sera through ' how come every day they don't wake her up and ask if they could have it but no take my car' Sera sighed and watches the people open up the stores

Kelio Kelio hums to herself as she walks, not really paying attention to where she was going. She was more focused on something across the street, and straight up ran into someone, instantly having to stop herself from instinctively shifting. Her eyes momentarily had cat-like pupils, which took a second to go back to normal. "O-oh! I'm so sorry!"

Sera Sera said "oh no I should have watched where I was going " then looks away and smiles who was she but then who cares Sera said " I am Sera you are and Don't mind me you seem new around here or I haven't seen you around "Sera looks at her fixing her hair and making sure she had her phone in case mom called or a job since she applied for some

Kelio Kelio sucks in a breath and nods slowly. "I'm Kelio., and yes, I'm pretty new I guess. I'm only here for a few hours every few days," She shrugs, fixing her hoodie. That was embarrassing.. The shifter tries not to make eye contact, convinced that shift was still trying to break through. "A-anyhow, I should probably get going-" it sounded very rushed and murmured.

Sera Sera said " oh sorry for holding you up and I better get going to nice to meet you kelio " as she moves passed her and continues on her way she sighed lucky she got through that Sera smiles and when into a shop and looks around before asking the desk clerk if they were hiring by any chance