
Do not comment unless your Lunar Eclipse or Ailurophile

Name: Selah Nickname: Whatever you can think of! Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Breed: 56% Hovawart, 24% Chinook, 20% Beauceron Appearance: Selah is a rather large dog, with medium, almost woolly fur. It's a dark brown/black color with rust points, some lighter splotches on her sides. She has light, almost hazel-y blue eyes. Due to her beauceron heritage, Selah is quite strong and is not a dog you'd want to piss off. Shes built for short distance sprints and doesnt have amazing stamina. Personality: Selah, having grown up on the streets, has developed a rather stoic attitude. She considers herself to just be 'surviving' or 'getting by', not 'living'. After all, when you've lived so long off of scraps and begging, it gets to just be routine. Selah doesnt exactly like humans and thinks they're all bad. Edited at November 29, 2022 06:34 PM by Ailurophile

Name Ze'ev Gender male Age 2 years Appearance Other None Backstory Unknown Mother A normal German shepherd Father Bear(Retried K9 unit) Brother None Sisters Misfit Breed Purebred Panda German shepherd Edited at November 29, 2022 06:25 PM by Lunar Eclipse

Ze'ev would be by his owners side as they trained Ze'ev was pretty aware of what was going on around him

Selah makes her way down the sidewalk, large paws hitting the ground softly as she trotted along. She was searching for something to eat, and was following the scent of what smelt like some sort of treats, because sometimes people have been know to throw them out. The canine ends up face to face with another dog- next to what she only knew as a human.

Ze'ev looked at the Stary and wagged his tail as he gradded a treat and went over to her and gave her one and went back to my owner and trained more with him by playing dead,giving paw,and rolling over etc. I enjoyed the company of the Stary that watched

Selah warily walks backward when the dog approached, a soft growl in her throat. She pauses when they just go back to what they were doing, snatching the treat off the ground before backing back up again. The canine stays close, watching from a few feet away. It was quite interesting what they were doing, after all!

Ze'ev was told to do a flip and i did a flip and layed down as my owner gives me another treat and throws a few over to Selah seeing she was probably pretty hungry

Selah jumps back in surprise at the flip. That was unexpected by far. She got down low on the ground and shuffled over to snatch the treats before quickly making her way back to the spot she had been sitting. They weren't to be trusted, but it seemed safe enough right now..

Ze'ev looked over at her and went up abit far from her in a comfortable area for her and did a play bow as my owner sat down on a bench watching