
please only post here if you are me or Greysky. But feel free to follow along Edited at November 8, 2022 11:26 AM by Wolf Pride
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Name: Hondo Age: 3 Gender: Male Rank: Loner Appearance: Black and brown brindle male with a black fading facemask and black paws Personality: Hostile, Aggressive, Wary, Anxious, Shy, Smart, Feriocious, Can be kind Strengths: Strong, Agile, Smart, Courage, Bravery Weaknesses: His size as he was the runt of his litter Likes: Pups, and lying in the sun on his back Dislikes: Other wolves, especially males. Crush: None Mate: None Pups: None Other: He really wants a mate and to have pups, as well as be Alpha of a pack
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Name: Cinder Age:3 Gender: Female Rank: Loner Appearence: Black coat, amber eyes,white muzzle, white tip on tail. Personality: Aggresive, Smart, Loyal, can be shy,Fearless, Playful, Affectionate, Devoted Strengths: Smart, Fighting, Agile, Sneaky Weaknesses: none Likes: Pups, Family, Hunting, Love Dislikes: Fighting, Moose, other female loners Crush: None yet Mate: None yet Pups: None yet Other: Looking for a mate to start a pack with. Wants to make a pack of her own.

You can start us out if you want.

Hondo trekked through the woods, looking for something to eat. Usually every year he wouldn't seem to sad on this day. But this year it ate at him. His litter brother, Chase, was killed by a Cougar today. He felt like he couldn't move, but he knew what he had to do. He tipped his head to the sky and gave the biggest howl of grief that he could muster. He howled for what seemed like hours, honoring his memory. As memories of his life came through his vision. He let his howl trail off. He had to eat, he had to make sure Chase hadn't died for nothing. He would look for a mate and start a pack. That's what he promised and that's what he'd do.
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Cinders ear perked up as she heard a howl. She lifted her head out of a doe mule dear carcass she had just taken down. The howl sounded like a dispersal male. Cinder lifted her head and howled a beautiful song wondering who the male was.

Just getting over the grief. His ears perked up hearing another howl. He could tell it was a female. Her voice was beautiful. He lauded down near the bushes, just listening to her voice, his topaz eyes glistening in affection. Though he didn't know if she was in a pack he still got up and trotted towards her howling. Smelling a bit of deer carcass along the way. He got to a clearing and the deer smell was overpowering now. He peaked through a bush and saw a black wolf with amber eyes. She was so beautiful. He knew she'd never want him, he turned around to walk away.. CRACK went a stick as he stepped on it. His eyes went wide as he turned back towards the clearing.
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Cinder jerked he head torward the woods. She smelled wolf, her tail was high, growling she stepped closer to where the crack had come from. She crouched low to the ground, after a few seconds she dashed and lept straight onto a wolf. She snarled, opening her eyes and smelling the air she could tell that this was a male. She quickly got off of him and stepped back.

The sudden attack from the wolf actually startled Hondo. He pulled back his lips snarling as she jumped on him. His ears pinned back in both anger and surprise and his tail held tight between his legs. He snapped at the wolf, not attacking her but trying to defend himself. He stood up tail straight out behind him. He would defend himself, but he had to wait to see what she'd do.
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Cinder waged her tail slowly, she was interested in him. He was pretty handsome, he smelled like he hadnt eaten in a while. "Please, have some food." Cinder led him to the carcass and started eating again. She wasnt sure if he would join her but she was willing to try.