
Hello and Welcome! Please do not post here unless you've been accepted. This is a very small RP with only these people; The Tea Drinkers Acerbus Nochnoy Salem And this will also be our posting schedule order. The signups are always open, unless roles are full, so we're always open to new members if you can meet the standards! ♱ Yrsa is up for affiliations :P All I have currently with Yrsa is she'll bully Liv :3 Also, I'll pair us all up randomly just before we start the RP thread. Sound good?
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Liv is open for affiliations, although I might toss my other girly in in her place later, or possibly have Odin call her back or something :>
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Just the four of us sounds good honestly if no one else joins Drew is also open :3


If we want to switch out characters every so often, we could add a thing that allows humans to turn into valkyries or temporarily (shhhut up i know how to spell just not right now 😭)? Just for the sake of easily switching? I have a ton of human characters and if say, Yrsa got recalled, I could turn them into a valkyrie pretty easily? Doesn't have to be a right now thing ^^" Just putting it out there
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