
You can post here as long as your character has been accepted or you have a good start on your form before completing it. If you're not in the RP at all, don't post here! Plot away my friends :)

res for extra stuffs Kingdom Royalty Brief Locations Other World Info Edited at March 25, 2024 07:48 PM by Wanderlust




I'm hoping to get some more suitors and the final heirs finished and we should be able to start. Maybe a few more High Council members? If you're interested anyone can make one to fill those roles (aside from the heirs as they're reserved currently lol). I'll also try to get some worldbuilding stuff here! And maybe some other lore c: Also- Sagar is open to pretty much anything. He's a grump

YAAAAY i'm glad to see this is getting attention been so long since i had a good medieval rp

Definitely excited that people are joining. It seemed very slow when I first got it up.

edit i had to fix some proportions they got me Angry colette face reveal because i am Already Attached. if she looks older it's because i am used to drawing people 30+ 💔 i imagine she usually looks a lot more upbeat (and very much more groomed) for politeness's sake, so i guess this is the just returned from horseback riding and is now bored look Edited at March 25, 2024 05:12 PM by Salt Shaker

SHE'S SO PRETTY. I love the way you drew her hair and nose