
For those who have had at least one character accepted in The Pendraegon. Plot, brainstorm, create affiliations, all the things!

Okay; so before everybody gets here, these are a couple things that I'd like input on: 1. Because of the sheer number of people who want to play dragons and the lack of interest in Fae, do we want to make bonds optional? So, not every dragon would have a bond, but every Fae would. 2. Do you want me to randomly assign bonds within the group or choose them yourselves? Also, if we do make bonds optional, most folks would have the choice as to whether or not their dragon would be open for a bond. 3. Ideas for how the Pendraegon could be preventing the eggs from hatching. I was originally going to maybe have it that humans touching eggs would kill them instantly, but there's not enough players for normal humans to be involved, I don't think.


Idea for 3. They could just be smashing them or somehow keep them from hatching in the time frame. Mabey not letting them incubate or something?

1. That'd likely be the best route with how few Fae there are, even if I wish that wasn't the case. 2. Just because of the way I roll, I vote ta spin a wheel. XD 3. Maybe it could co-enside with her powers? As in she has one or developed one after the betrayal that somehow effects the baby within - killing it? That was it is a bit discreet and leans towards the whole "natural cause" idea that was initially slapped onto the problem as the answer. Edit: Wait no, the first one was caused by her mate correct? Or did he just kill adults and those who had already hatched? My brain is not working today. XD Edited at November 19, 2023 07:34 PM by High Hills Pack
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1. Sounds good to me, I'd be willing to change my character if you need an older fae instead of a young one. 2. Randomly assigning bonds would be fine with me! 3. I agree with High Hills, something that could be labed as a natural cause would make it slightly less suspicious.

1. Sure, maybe we could even have some Fae care for two dragons in rare cases? 2. I don't mind what you do. Maybe we could have the option to choose a bond and if we don't get one by the time of the roleplay starting then it's given automatically? 3. Perhaps the eggs are being killed by some sort of indetectable poison? To make this work, maybe the eggs have thin shells when they're newly laid and they're injected with a poison. Edited at November 20, 2023 04:34 PM by Crazydayz

1. Not sure 2. I don't mind really. You can choose them at random if you want to. 3. Maybe there is like a dragon stone or something but it's been corrupted and the magical disturbance has stopped the eggs from hatching?

If we do take out some bonds, is there anyone that absolutely does not want a bond for their dragon?

Question- are you still accepting characters? And will the RP start when more people post on here and weve discussed this properly?