
Discussion: You are here RP thread: Not enough people yet

Plot (If you want it again, or forgot it): High School students enter school, excited to be in the last week of school, but then one of them sets off an alarm, a hidden alarm. Everyone flees the school, green goop flying from the ceiling. Everyone who got hit with the green goop got turned into a monster of some sort; Mummy, Vampire, Werewolf, Shifter, Magicker, or a Super.

Rules: - No spamming this, or the sign ups - 3 characters max - All regualr rules - No sob stories - Respect my right to decline any character - 20 or more traits in likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses combined. They can be bullet points

You can; Say hi, welcome, something random about your character You can't; Say NSFW things, spam, say all caps things, something mean You can ask; If anyone wants to have any sort of relationship with your character, if someone wants to be mentions in your post, ask if you can act a little for someones character You can't ask; For someone to do something with their character they aren't comfortable, or ask for details on NSFW things. You can just post random stuff too ^^

