
~ Links ~ Sign up - Link Thread - Cluck, Cluck, Cluck Discussion - You are here Please feel free to plan affiliations and ask questions. I would prefer that here instead of in the sign up. List of Characters Edited at June 7, 2024 01:30 PM by Sir Froggington

Miscellaneous Ideas Just ideas! We don’t have to do them! ——— Wagon is caught on fire by some stupid mistake Driver dies or gets badly wounded and someone has to try their best to fill the role. Causing a rollercoaster of a ride until/if they get the geese managed They get inspected by some rebels and have to pretend to be a family going to a funeral. They have to dress the part, however. It starts to rain/snow The geese runaway They get caught and get caught for real and have to fight themselves out of the situation and/or they almost die. Or they do die. There is a misunderstanding and the prince thinks his guard is out to kill him.

It looks like we'll have to have a small group small group for this roleplay, and we may use the old thread and continue from there instead of starting from scratch

Welcome back to Phasian the land of chickens rebelling against their monarch. Thanks for joining the adventures of the Prince and his posse. I was wanting to continue along the same thread, so that means planning where we were going or brushing off the rust and trying to remember what our plans were. Also, the other characters can be NPCs until we get rid of them dramatically or we can drag them along with us. Since no one else has two characters, should I keep Clawdia?

Yipee, the chickens live! You should definitely keep Clawdia, yes. Keeping the others on as NPCs sounds like a good plan. So we'll have Wyan, Clawdia, Calhoun, and Bantam, right?

Yes! Also I reread Clawdia's character sheet and I forgot what she was like. I didn't remember her being such a nosy biddy lol Edited at June 6, 2024 12:09 PM by Sir Froggington

So it looks like the young roosters are going to try to make a run for it? How do we want that to work out. I think they'd want to get Bantam and Clawdia off of the wagon because they're larger and maybe choose someone like Patch to hold hostage or Jackie would make sense.