Howdy all artists of Wolfplay!
I know the new rule for artists not asking for payment before the piece is done is a concern for many of you, but fear not, I believe I have an excellent and reasonable solution for you guys
Before sending the official completed piece, even if you have a signature on it, I think yall should send it as something like this:

Something like this would be difficult to erase if someone decided to try to remove it themselves.
For situations where someone doesn't pay, you could put it up for sale as an adoptable, or delete the piece altogether.
As a fellow artist I am aware deleting hours of work is painful, but if the piece is of someone's OC, this is usually the best thing to do, because it's not right to sell someone's OC to someone else without their permission.
However, despite this, you could also redesign the character and THEN go for the adoptable route, but MAKE SURE the redesign isn't too similar to the original. Do this by adding or removing certain markings or add-ons (earrings, clothing, etc.), and/or changing colors.
I am not implying that art theft and no-show-payments happen often, but if it does, these seemed like the most reasonable options.
If this post has issues, or if there's any questions, feel free to let me know