
Hey folks! Looking for some critiques. This site grew my skill exponentially, and I'm always looking to improve. exp a. of past horrors: (do not critique this piece, it's old and just for comparison!) Click, there’s so much more where that came from (2019 sob) I am looking for critiques - I am not sensitive, please tear my work apart. You all are very sweet with your compliments, but I would like to improve - my ego does not need boosting at the moment. my gallery is here, but these are the works I'm most proud of: click please send help! I will not take anything personally, no worries. I'm looking more for general critiques than piece-specific redlines, etc., but whatever floats your boat. Edited at November 1, 2021 08:48 PM by sock monkey

I personally think the neck looks a little thick, however, I like sleek and probably too thin looks on canines. It looks great to me other than that!

Oh, that's old art for comparison! Sorry for the confusion, my gallery is linked just below :')

Whoops, my apologies! sock monkey said: Oh, that's old art for comparison! Sorry for the confusion, my gallery is linked just below :')

Hello - I suck at describing things - so could I sketch over your art to show you what I'm taliking about?


Hello - I suck at describing things - so could I sketch over your art to show you what I'm taliking about?

Sorry for the double - I'll poast something in about an hour once I get off of work^^ (if this dosnt get addressed by someone else) and I know you said your ego dosnt need boasting - but your art is amazing! I'll need to get my hands on some eventually

Aight, you know I adore your art, think its stunning, and have seen it from the start, but thats not what ya want lol. - I really only see a few things, and they're barely noticeable and could probably just be passed off as style. - I feel some of the front facing views you do look slightly flat. But from the other way. The chests/legs seem very narrow. Not that it doesn't seem three dimensional, just as if they've sort of been squished/narrowed down. With this guy for example, I feel they're lacking a bit of hindquarter. The perspective/angle is spot on, but I feel there should be more width. Give them horses big butts XD - On this one, the hind legs seem slightly off. If you were to imagine the creature flipped, its right hind is off center and attached to a different part of the body from the left one. They also seem a bit too long on the femur and short through the cannon (or whatever its called on a canine). Then again, its a mythical creature and appears to be a hybrid, so the anatomy could be purposefully differing from a more realistic species to give it a fantasy appearance. Edited at November 1, 2021 09:27 PM by Sneaky Smeagol

Thanks so much! And yeah, I completely agree on both those points aha, I do need to start drawing out more proportional horse butts lmao, (no bc they thick when you really think about it) it's been too long since I was around them :') and thanks for pointing that out on the second one! So many people want to commission canines that I'm losing my equine touch lmao again, I really appreciate it <3