
This is my first time making a post like this so I'm really sorry if something doesn't come out right, I'll do my best to fix it as soon as possible! I've been thinking about opening commissions for art like these, but as the title would suggest I'm not sure for how much I should price it at! Please keep in mind that these can take me around 12 hours to complete, I would only be doing headshots, and that this would only be open to those with characters made since they take a bit of planning it would stress me out too much to try to also design a character Also made for pack #223176 This is a beagle/corgi I made for pack #223176 My werewolf character

Edited at March 26, 2021 04:18 AM by Hurry

But if you do them rarely, since they take quite some time you could auction slots-price will variate that way but you will get estimate of how much people are willing to pay

Just based off time alone I'd agree with Hurry. An initial commission slot auction might help gauge interest as well. Your painting looks good!

This. It looks absolutely stunning! *^* Lokieography said: Just based off time alone I'd agree with Hurry. An initial commission slot auction might help gauge interest as well. Your painting looks good!

If you do them rarely I feel like prices would be higher and it'd be worth more.

Hurry said: But if you do them rarely, since they take quite some time you could auction slots-price will variate that way but you will get estimate of how much people are willing to pay
If I did an auction do you think 40-45 apples would be a good AB to encourage bidding?

Lokieography said: Just based off time alone I'd agree with Hurry. An initial commission slot auction might help gauge interest as well. Your painting looks good!
If I did an auction do you think 40-45 apples would be a good AB to encourage bidding?

Hoodie said: If you do them rarely I feel like prices would be higher and it'd be worth more.
I would probably only offer 1 or 2 slots at a time and I'm not sure how often I would offer them because of the time involved and I usually sketch the face after seeing the character so that they can be more personalized :)

Ok, here is my viewpoint
critic so if ya dont want that dont read - its so detailed in some spots whilst in other spots its blurry and just general colours. ex. the ear vs cheek in middle character. the same with the snout on the third and first. You have incredible potential if you detailed everything or even just evened it out a little so the differences wouldnt bee so drastic.
The anatomy of the skull isnt quite at top, but i am sure with practice of general studies you find it quick.
I understand you put a lot of effort into these, add a lot of time. with that in mind i am still going to place these headshoots in the 5 apple range, add or minus a few here and there depending. hope this helps and i wasnt too mean ( i thend to come off as mean as i understand ;-; i really dont mean to i promise!)
Edited at March 26, 2021 02:23 PM by Yellow