
So I just started drawing again after about 2 years and this is all I have so far. I'm mainly a canine and feline artist but I'm dabbling in equine art as well~!
I'm not sure how the prices work anymore here, I was here back when apples were worth 300-550 mush a piece. now they're like 1000-1500 mush and I'm over here confused as hell about the pricing now Edited at February 8, 2021 02:37 PM by Quiver

You can buy apples in the marketplace for 300 mush but people have started raising the prices on when they sell them.

The Winged Wolves said: You can buy apples in the marketplace for 300 mush but people have started raising the prices on when they sell them.
yes, but I mean Player sales where about 300 - 500 mushies per apple, I used to sell them for 300 at that time :')

You can buy apples in the marketplace for 300 mush but people have started raising the prices on when they sell them.


The Winged Wolves said: Idk why they raised them
Not sure either. In barter you still have to trade an apple for 300 mush.

I'd say your art would be worth around 4-8 apples or 4k-8k mush depending on if it is a headshot or fullbody, coloured, shaded or not etc. Most people during auctions and such value 1 apple at 1000 mush each. However they're usually priced for more in member market dens. Sometimes, you might find some for 800-900 mush, but I think that's about the lowest anyone would price an apple at, now. I have no idea why they raised the prices though. Edited at February 8, 2021 02:18 AM by Fangs of Wrath

Thank you man~ ! and yeez the prices are so high now. The prices used to be so little