
Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place. ^^; So, inspiration for adoptables is hard to come by if you're a brainless potato like me, so here's a thread for you guys to tell me what you want to see. I will not use all of the ideas provided, but I will certainly be grateful for them~ My adopt shop Any other adopt artists can use this too! So, WP. What do you want to see? Edited at August 14, 2020 03:55 PM by Fool's Gold

Some food based designs? Such as Mocha, Ice cream, fruits?
Also, mythical things? I really liked your 'Storyteller' adopt and wanted to AB it Edited at July 20, 2019 03:04 AM by Maybe?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Skull bois Everyone likes skull bois.
Maybe do some based off biomes/terrains? Like jungle, tundra, deep ocean etc etc.

Do more Halloween like ones, they are amazing, scary glowing halloween ones, maybe a ghost like one, or a ghoul, another jack O lantern one!

Maybe do some that are inspired by songs? Edited at July 21, 2019 11:41 PM by *Silver*

ooh maybe like country's days like 4th of July

Elemental adopts are amazing.
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Mythology adopts? Edited at July 25, 2019 06:15 PM by After Death

