
Hey there!
So, a couple of my friends convinced me into this (Curse you Seaspray), and even though I now Im not the greatest, maybe I can help you improve some!
Im offering advice and lessons in - Anatomy Constructing a Drawing Adding Color Shading for Depth Drawing and Understanding Fur
And Teaching how to use and Tips and tricks for Photoshop MediBang (Android)
And offering - Critiques
Let me know if you need help with anything! Edited at July 8, 2018 06:46 PM by Dragon's Fire

Could I ask you for help on this piece? (Let me go get it)

Could I ask you for anatomy help on this price please? https://s15.postimg.cc/dtj27h5l7/PNG_image_15.png Edited at July 8, 2018 11:28 AM by Hysteria

Hey Dragon! I would like some critique on my latest drawings and some tips and tricks for MediBang :3 You can find my latest drawings in my gallery: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=20567 Thank you so much! Edited at July 8, 2018 11:30 AM by Dutchezz

Hello! I really need help with fur and shading. Pm me?

Yo c:
Whenever you're free could you give me some tips on anatomy, fur, shading and the like?
Thankels :3

Hiya, I'm back!Could you help me out with this? Mod Edit: Removed. ImgBB is not an acceptable Image Host Thanks so much! Edited at August 16, 2018 07:46 PM by Raewyn

I all out suck. I don't think I'll ever be taught to be good XD. I'll stick to writing and coloring. But it is cool what you are doing!

Oh, wow! A lot of interest!
I'll respond to each of you as I can!

<span style="font-size: 15px;">Hello! So far, this seems like a good piece! Critique:
Head -
Your head is not too bad, however, what really sticks out here is the chin. A canine's whole front muzzle should just slope in one solid line,the chin should not be too jutted out. The jawbone seems to be styled after a horse more than a canine. Remove the part in the front and curl the part in the back sharper upward and turn it into fur Ears look fine, just slightly small Legs-
The joints are all wrong here. I posted image on how they bend to better explain. Front- There are only three main joints to worry about in the front legs. Shoulder, elbow, ankle The elbow bends just above the bottom of the chest The ankle is just above the paw Pay good attention to how they bend as well. Leg bends toward at the elbow, paw bends back at ankle Back- The two joints to worry about here is knee and ankle. The bend of knee here has no major bend except when sitting, and sits just below the stomach. The ankle, that backward bending joint, sits pretty low, but still recognizably above the paw
Hopefully this helps! Hysteria said: Could I ask you for anatomy help on this price please?https://s15.postimg.cc/dtj27h5l7/PNG_image_15.png
Edited at July 8, 2018 06:44 PM by Dragon's Fire