
This is my first RP hosted alone. So give me some grace. Agenda Rules(page 2) Plot(Page 3) Slots(Page 4) Form(Page 5) TBA Edited at June 5, 2024 08:10 AM by Bobcat

Rules 1- Read Eve's rules 2- Maxumun characters is 2. If you want to play more, PM me with some examples. If you can handle it, I'll say yes. 3- If it looks like I have no clue what I am doing, PM me. You are probaly right. 4- If you made it this far, tell me your favorite shade of green in other 5- LGBTQ+ is allowed 6- Hate the character, not the played 7- I get it, we love drama, but do not be the one to cause it all. 9- You can play the NPCs, but do not take them over. 10- Min word count is 50 11- I feel like I missed a number. Tell me what I missed in other. 12- reservations last 36 hours 13- Your characters can not be in a relationship 14- No more expecting mothers Edited at June 6, 2024 05:44 AM by Bobcat

Plot Pack Waskenzi(Was-ken-z) has been living in this valley for long time. All the wolves were born a rased here. The Alphas a 7 gen desended from the first Alphas. Their word is law. Then coming with the west wind, a famine blew in. Food had already been scare, not, it is near impossible to find. This years litter is small, but the alpha female is expecting, too. There is a legend of infinate prey across the mountains. Can they make it there before the Alpha gives birth? Or will they be carting new pups over cold ground? Edited at June 9, 2024 08:09 AM by Bobcat

Slots! Alpha Female Nightingale-F-(Bobcat) Alpha male Sartaq-M-(Boeing) Beta Female Wanderer-F-(Swiftfireclan) Beta Male Caspin-M-(Ghosts of Glory) Pack Members Coriander-M-(Starlight Serpent) Delilah-F-(Dawn Pack) Bone-M-(Starlight Serpent) - Mothers - - Medicine wolf Luna-non-binary-(Moonnightshade) Apprentice (Must have mentor) Spirit -M-(Swiftfireclan)(medicine wolf) - Pups (Must have parent) - - Elders - - 3:5:1 Female, male, other Edited at June 17, 2024 07:53 PM by Bobcat

Edited at June 9, 2024 08:09 AM by Bobcat


Name: Pronounceation: Gender: Pronouns: Rank: Sexuality: Discription: Personality: Streghts: Weaknesess: Likes: Dislikes: Other: Edited at June 9, 2024 08:09 AM by Bobcat

Name: Nightingale Pronounceation: Night-in-gale Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Rank: Alpha She Sexuality: Straight Discription: A large female wolf with a muscular frame and dark blue eyes. Her fur is dark gray with black paws and a thin scar through her left eye. Luckly she retaned her sight in that eye. Nochted ears are from various fights with prey and other wolves. A lighter belly and tail tip finish the look. Personality: This loyal wolf is brave and proud. As Alpha, she keep in touch with her pack and her mate. A sweet she wolf with a forgiving spirit. Her punishment are light when she gives them at all. On the other paws, cunning and dominace will be aserted on the wolf in they breck a major rule or disobay her. Streghts: Dominace Compasion Empathy Weaknesess: Weighted down due to pups Short fuse when it comes to injuring other wolves Wolf form of ADHD Likes: Dislikes: Hrashness Permature judgement Not knowing Friends: Deliha(Dawn Pack) Other: Read the rules Edited at June 12, 2024 08:22 PM by Bobcat

reserve beta female! I may make her expecting too....... :P
