
Graecia Kingdom Roma Kingdom Egyptia Kingdom Norda Kingdom One to the North (Norda), south(Egyptia), east(Roma) and west(Graecia). Each kingdom is ruled by the Ruling Figure. Which, yay. Sounds great, they all live in harmony right? Wrong. Dead wrong. These four kingdoms have been at war amongst each other since the foundations were laid. Boundaries have been redrawn, redone, rebuilt and then done all over again. Assassins have been sent, wars have been drawn up, entire ruling families dethroned and tossed to the lowest of the low. The problem, particularly, is the fact that the ruling head, the nobles--the assassins and guards--all have godly blood to them. While gods can't pass down a mortal DNA strand, like appearance and the likes, they do pass on something far more powerful. Abilities. Controlling the storms, the sky, the sea. Luring in with passions and lust, then stabbing in the back. Tricky shapeshifters who aren't what they seem. History that repeats itself a thousand times over is bound to stay in motion until stopped by an outside force. What was that force? Something wiping out the former ruling heads of all four kingdoms in one night. Four funerals, four royal processions... four new rulers. Life changes quickly, even if traditions run deep. However, with four brand new ruling heads, tight tensions and a history and tradition that runs deep, can these four kingdoms actually bind together and figure out what is threatening them? Or are they doomed to meet the same fate as their former predecessors? Edited at May 6, 2024 04:43 PM by Zeraphia
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TLDR: Demigods from Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Norse pantheons in a Medieval/Fantasy setting. Something killed the previous rulers of the kingdoms and now they either have to work together, decide to do their own thing or just die off lol. Characters can be: - Ruling Head (dm me first with your sign up sheet / idea so we don't clog the thread) - Royal Family - wait on this one until Ruling heads have been set then DM them first. - Guards / Castle Staff - Assassins(rare) - Nobles RULES: 1. This will be Semi-lit. So, a good 150+ words with proper spelling and grammar. 2. Hate the character not the person. IC drama? Yes. OoC drama? Absolutely not. 3. Be active! If not, just let us know in the discussion! Life happens, we understand. 4. Pg-13 y'all. Keep it within the limits of the WP rules. 5. Don't be too OP with abilities. We'll get injured, we'll throw hands, etc. be fun with abilities and weaknesses! 6. Your character abilities (if you need to change them) must be approved by me first. 7. There are NO reservations for Ruling Heads, since these are roles that must be worked out with me via dm. However, ALL other roles are up for reservation! Links: Sign-ups: You're here! Discussion: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=36&t=90867 Roleplay: TBD Edited at May 6, 2024 04:46 PM by Zeraphia
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Character Sheets: Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Godly Parent: Role: Appearance: (2+ paragraphs) Personality: (2+ paragraphs) Other: ------------------------------------------------ Character Roster: Graecia Kingdom Ruling Head: Xevon Romano / Male / 23 / Apollo / Zeraphia Royal Family: N/A Castle Guards/Staff: - - - Nobles: - - - Roma Kingdom Ruling Head: Open Royal Family: N/A Castle Guards/Staff: - - - Nobles: - - - Egyptia Kingdom: Ruling Head: Open Royal Family: N/A Castle Guards/Staff: - - - Nobles: - - - Norda Kingdom
Ruling Head: Open Royal Family: N/A Castle Guards/Staff: - - - Nobles: - - -
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Full Name: Xevon Romano Age: 23 Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Godly Parent: Apollo Role: Ruling Head of Graecia Appearance: If the height of 6'2" and somewhat sturdy build with broad shoulders doesn't immediately send off warning bells, then congratulations and good luck. Xevon keeps his unruly hair relatively short and out of his eyes. The same eyes that seem to have a rather brown and light hazel color to his eyes. Despite that, his skin tone is a little more on the soft bronze side with the faintest of freckles poking out over his cheeks. He tends to wear darker clothing with red accents to them. Just because it's his style. That's just what he does and what he wears when in royal or noble settings. While he does have more "royal" wear, pictured here; https://i.postimg.cc/2yb552BY/Xevon-Formal.png He prefers his looser and more traditional Greek wear. Pictured here: https://i.postimg.cc/3RbR7PN9/Xevon-Greek.png The most stunning piece of Xevon is the brilliant and dark swan-like wings that he sports from his back. For having a father be the god of the sun, he sure missed the light. He serves more as the protector of evil, taking on the battle and victory side of Apollo's many godly titles, thus the swan wings and the dark coloring. However, he does have some musical abilities. Personality: Xevon has the type of personality that immediately seems to almost relax someone. He can find an entire and total stranger, waltz right up and act like they've been friends for decades. He relies solely on sheer confidence and the luck of if I'm nice enough to you, you won't hurt me. Which, for the most part works. However, in the instance of danger, Xevon can and will throw himself headfirst into the throws of danger if it means that someone else doesn't get hurt. But he can and does... well... get tired. Xevon can be described as grumpy when he's awfully tired. He does his best to direct this to others and tries to keep his mouth shut. But he's not perfect. Of course not. No, it's what is under that guise. Under all the faces that Xevon put up, the playboy, the confidence, the strategist, the likes--it is the underlying fear that he is none of them. None of the faces truly fit, none of them feel like himself, but he wears them because he hates the thought of being faceless. Xevon can't be nothing, he has to be something. And if people like the masks, then the masks are what he continues to wear. Even if he has nothing to lose. Other: N/A For relations, feel free to DM me or talk about it in the discussion thread!
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