
Summary Demigods of the pantheons (Greek, Norse, Etc.) have survived (ish) as the apocalypse came down around them. Everything has just gone wrong. Zombies, monsters, zombie monsters, other demigods, the works. The gods that once roamed and probably plagued the earth are now silent. It's up to the little group of demigods as to what they do. (Aka, y'all. Y'all get to choose.) But overall, this will probably be a fairly low-key roleplay. We all have lives, lives get busy, it's not like it's a competition or whatever. This is just for fun and to have a good time developing a story. _-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-_ Fancy Plot When the foretold events of the end of the world go wrong, it leaves the world in ruins. Demigods, the only things remotely durable enough to survive, are left in small groups and camps or whatever they decide to call themselves. They've had to group together to survive the zombies. The walking undead that plague everything. Not even the monsters were spared and now there are zombie monsters. Ghosts and such roam for those who can see. The gods are silent, radio silent. It's worrying but not surprising. The demigods (your characters) will have been here for a little bit. They may or may not know each other, they may have come from another camp/group/pod or just showed up. _-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-_ Helpful Links Discussion Roleplay TBD Edited at February 8, 2024 11:47 AM by Zeraphia
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Rules: Because safety first. 1. Semi-lit. So, a good solid paragraph, enough to keep the story going and give people stuff to reply to. 2. Hate the character not the person. IC drama? Yes. OoC drama? Absolutely not. 3. Be active! If not, just let us know in the discussion! Life happens, we understand. 4. Pg-13 y'all. Keep it within the limits of the WP rules. 5. Don't be OP with abilities. We'll get injured, we'll throw hands, etc. be fun! 6. Put your favorite flower in other! Mmh flowers. 7. For now, let's go with 3 characters per person, just so we don't have too many at once. 8. Your character MUST be a demigod of a pre-existing god. The pantheon doesn't matter, there's no limit. _-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-_ Character List Name - Age - Gender - Godly Parent - Pack # Stellan Westfield - 23 - Male - Zeus - 85543 Dusty Grove - 16 - Male - Proteus - 85543 Amari V. Adolpha - 16 - Male - Erebus - 308556 Cassia Selene Aylin - 18 - Female - Hecate - 294878 Sage Ast - 17 - Female - Freya - 287711 Reserved for Lost Crowns Edited at February 9, 2024 02:45 PM by Zeraphia
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Sign-Ups: OC: Name: Nickname: Age: (whatever, y'all) Gender: Orientation: Godly Parent: Ability Description: (optional, if you want to explain or set limits for your character.) Appearance: (Describe your character, as best you can at least. If you want to LINK to an art piece that follows WP rules, sure! But to keep things from being image-heavy, just a link.) Personality: (I totally understand that writing out personalities is hard. Just a simple thing will do if you need) Other About: (If you have any other notes, tidbits or things that you want us to know about the character, this is the section for you!) OoC: (about y o u / You only have to fill this out once by the way.) Name: (what do we call you in discussions?) Pack Number: (for me to put in the character list) Other: (things you want us to know about you.) Edited at February 7, 2024 09:46 PM by Zeraphia
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Full Name: Stellan Aldrin Westfield Nickname: Stell / Stellan Age: 23 Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual Godly Parent: Zeus Appearance: Stellan stands about 5'10", give or take 1/4th of an inch. His skin is relatively warm colored, but pale. It helps the long scars along his face almost blend in. The freckled skin seem to help his faded blue, mostly grey, eyes sink in. With a subtle hair color that is best called dirty blonde, with more dirt than a blonde sheen to it. His hair curls in waves, looking like a weird mix between a Roman statue and some sort of messy hair. Despite his some-what tall height, Stellan has a somewhat lean build. His shoulders are broad, thick even, but he really lacks the usual muscle build to make them pop out from the rest of him. His clothing aesthetic is usually simple. A red T-shirt, jeans, worn shoes that have seen better days. TH LInk Personality: The most simple way to describe Stellan's personality is a budding leader. He'll take the charge and has a lot of ambition. Stellan takes the lead when a set leader is often not found. But, even if there is one, he tends to offer help. He might not willingly take the leadership position right away but he will show his skills. But, Stellan is awfully well known for his patience wearing thin rather quick. While he can try and keep his temper down, it often goes off and he just tends to explode. Stellan keeps his emotions down, he hides them, and will try to think through them (poorly) until he can't figure out how to tell them to someone else. Oh, he refuses to tell anyone else. He helps others, he just doesn't do the talking to others. Other: - Stellan doesn't usually talk about his background, he might reference it in odd jokes and passing remarks but he will not tell you anything about it straight up. Even if prodded. - When given the opportunity, he will throw himself in front of others. Stellan has 0 self preservation. - He will insult you and do it cleverly. Will it get him in trouble? Absolutely it will. Does he learn? Hasn't yet, probably won't. _-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-__-^-_ OOC Name: Zeraphia / Vah / Lily Pack Number: 85543 Other: I work part time and do certificate work, but I should be pretty free and open with time. If it ... isn't too obvious... lilies are my favorite flower. If you know, you know. Edited at February 7, 2024 09:44 PM by Zeraphia
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Name: Milo Vanderston Nickname: N/A Age: 17 Gender: Male Orientation: Asexual / Bi Godly Parent: Vulcan (Roman) Ability Description: Milo is an inventor. He loves to tinker with things, creating the wildest inventions. He also thinks he has some fire immunity. Has yet to test that theory. Appearance: Standing at 5'8", Milo is a lot more of a gentle and average height for someone his age. He hasn't quite hit that college growth spurt, but it's probably coming soon. His bright eyes are more of a hazel-brown color that matches his fair skin. Likewise, his hair is more of a deep woody brown color, not quite chocolate with more red to the color. His build sports slim shoulders and an odd muscle build, with more of a subtle strength. He doesn't look that strong but he has enough to surprise someone. His clothing tends to be more working. It's almost, vaguely, steampunk in a way. He wears a harness for the carbon fiber wings he has. Those are his prized possession. His red scarf is just an accent that he wears everywhere. Art Postimg link - (c)85543 Personality: PERSONALITY: Milo is sweet and bubbly. The type of shy guy who may not initiate the conversation at first but he will get talking. He definitely does more listening than he does talking. But Milo does tend to watch things. Birds, animals, people, you name it. He studies the way they move and interact, deciphering codes and physics in the world around him so he can try and recreate it. He used to work with a strange mix of steel, iron and brass. But the discovery of carbon fiber was perhaps a mistake. Milo is super trusting, perhaps to a fault, and when hurt just hides it under a lopsided smile. Other About: Milo should not have been introduced to carbon fiber. He will try and find it in anything and hoard it. Edited at March 1, 2024 12:04 AM by Zeraphia
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Full Name: Afanís Uair Kyría First Name: Misseen - Greek Origin Middle Name: Time - Scottish Gaelic Origin Last Name: Madam - Greek Origin Preferred Name: Faní or Kyra Nickname(s): Fanny, Fi-Fi, Kría . — ∴ ♣ ∴ — . Age: 21 Years Old [May appear older or younger at times] Gender: Female ⁄ Feminine Pronouns: She ⁄ Her ⁄ Hers Sexual Orientation: Demisexual + Pansexual [Though on a male leaning] . — ∴ ♣ ∴ — . Godly Parent: Aion - The God of Perpetual Time . Agility Description(s): . Age Complexion: To put this as simply as possible, Faní can change her appearance as far as age goes. Usually staying in her current age mode, she can choose if she grows up while actually aging or if she wants to look younger. This helps when trying to get out of a situation, as most people don't know her younger girl appearance as well as her older form. . Dream Searching: This ability is quite the interesting one really- Afanís basically has dreams about things that are or will be happening in the near future. Though she usually doesn't share these with others until the time actually comes, as...who knows what could happen when you mess with time itself? . — ∴ ♣ ∴ — . Appearance: Personality: . — ∴ ♣ ∴ — . Theme Song: Daddy Issues - The Neighborhood . Other: a wip! I will be adding the information about myself once I'm done with her form^^ Edited at February 8, 2024 04:19 PM by Lost Crowns


OC: Name: Amari V. Aldolpha (Amari means Immortal) Nickname: Ari Age: 16 Gender: Male Orientation: Pans (Is that what you mean?) Godly Parent: Erebus, the god of darkness and shadows, as well as the void between the earth and the underworld Ability Description: He only really has one cool thing he can do: He can access the void inbetween earth and the underworld. Like, he could travel through the void, or put things in it, though it takes extreme concentration (which he doesnt have) and willpower. ANd its also just flat out really hard to do. Appearance: Ironically, he has a rather light look given his shadowy ancestor. He has messy curls/waves that hang below his chin, and are a nice deep brown. His eyes are big, and bright, a shade f brilliant green. His light ivory skin is littered with freckles, and the occasional scar from his misadventures. Personality: He has a slight obsession with jokes, whether they are dad jokes, good jokes, knock knock jokes, he loves the whole ordeal. He also likes playing pranks on just about everyone, no matter how.... dangerous... they may be. It is for that reason he has barely any friends that can keep up with his shenanigans. Other About: He used to have a garden. Im not sure about his ability. OoC: Name: Austan/Ari Pack Number: 2983831 Other: Flower? Delphinium. Also known as Larkspur. Just two milligrams of it can kill an adult. Adult human. Edited at February 7, 2024 10:56 PM by Austan vindar

Just let me know when you finish editing everything in and I'll add him into the roster.
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There. He's done. Now I feel bad because the person up there is making their form pretty :3. Whatever.