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Cornered at a ridge by both human and ocean, a coyote group of coyotes have gotten together in a pack formed by a few to attempt to last. The little space they have will slowly enclose on them by deforestation. In this the leader is uncertain. At minimum he tries to keep his pack together, but he's always doing something more. There will be no jumping off the ledge to escape. Will they find some way to make it or will they all be exterminated?

they are quickly running out of food so some quick ones have gone to the town to gather some for them. the coyote pack is cornered by a steep ravine with the ocean and a lean beach below, there are no paths down. water at the top, there's a high hill at the very edge on the coytes side where they can look over and see the big town, if they dare. somewhere in the forest is the campsite, with the leader's den being cleverly hidden. There are rebels within the pack tht all want there own things, but mosty are together on one thing, they want out, and the leader suspects it.
and well, there's a lot of them so.
The city has a shoot on site policy.
However if any rebels leave, they leave. When/if the pack escapes, then if those not in the pack don't make it, it'll be fine to the leader.
The city, town village, whatever that is, is expansive, there is no going through that town to make it to the unseen end. The hut, buildings, whatever those are, are everywhere, and there are few places any coyote can remain unseen for long.
You better come up with something clever if you want to escape.
At the begianning of the RP as you can see in the map, some trees have already been cut down. There's a pause. Then when the date comes the forest will be cut down, not all of the sections at once however. Frther on they may cut it down faster and slower with variation.
the Rebels
While formerly, they might have been more loyal, they've gotten upturned and ansty. They have their own interests. While the leader wants the whole pack out alive, most rebels are fine if only they get out on their own. Many perform reckless behaviors that show they want the whole pack separated, ranging from accidental divisions to more stubborn ones. Not every rebel has the same goals, and they haven't formed their own little secret group where each one is sharing the same goals.
Male Leader
He is the founder of the pack. Is very loyal, if anyone's getting out, he want's his whole pack out. I want to see a writing example of the character PMed to me to me for this role. At least one paragraph. I may end up just playing the character myself.
Female Leader
Is the mate of the leader. She is not a rebel, and is someone the leader likes very much.
The beta is the highest ranking coyote under the leaders. He is the second-in-command and can deliever messages by the leader. He keeps a look out, and is in authority to lead those ranking below him. The leader has known him for long enough. The leader is smart enough, he's not picking someone untrustworthy to be his second-in-command. Nevertheless he's earned this role. And depending on how well you do it, you might be able to add in another role, the beta's mate.
This consists of both rebels and those that aren't part of the rebels. They do tasks and live in the campsite area. They, like all of the pack are under threat by hunters, and may die. Most everyone's hoping they'll find a way out, one way or another.
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