
This is going to be a semi literate RP. One to two paragraphs per post, enough to be interesting but not so much that we get burnt out from actually posting. - My goal is to find an active group of people who wil continue to post regularly so we can all have fun, think at least every other day - I promise to try and get on at least once a day and be active in updating things as best I can. I do work full time and have a life. - No swearing or anything inapropriate please, I will kick you out. - When there are fights the player decides what hits cause damage but be realistic, its no fun otherwise. On that note no powerplaying, I will PM you if I see a problem. - One to three characters per person, use actual fox coat colors but have fun. - I would prefer for names that you keep it one word and make it something to do with nature, think Branch, Twig, Oak, Ocean, Trout, River, anything along those lines, I do have a right to reject names because it will driver me crazy, but hopefully we can figure something out together. - Foxs will die of old age at five (they have a surprising low life expentancy) I will Pm you when its coming to that time. Just remember when your fox dies it does keep things interesting and fresh and gives you an opportunity to start new. - If you want your character to have babies you have to find people to play them, if you dont I will talk to you in PMs. No cross clan mates. - If you become inactive I will PM you about it, if you go over a week without responding I will kick you out and kill off your character, I can make exceptions though, I will let you know if you can make a new character or not. - You can join anytime, even if we already started, we'll just pretend you were previously a backround character and act like you were always family. - Feel free to advertise to other RP friends - -If you think I forgot something, should add something, or have any questions, PM me ;) - Chat - RP Thread - Currents Events - - Visit this if you are new so you know what has happened so far, it is a short and simplified version of the main thread so you dont have to read a novel. Edited at January 1, 2024 10:22 AM by Squeky

Lore Two clans have been at war for a long time. They have a very bitter hatred for eachother. Beach Clan lives along the shore, both enjoying the refrehing coolness of the water, and fearing the torrent of waves that could swallow them whole. Meadow Clan lives beyond the sandy dunes of the beach. They frolic in the open fields enjoying the shade of the occasional tree, but they are wary of what else hides in the cover of the tall grass. Get ready for bone chilling battles and heart warming fun with you clan mates. - Clans and Ranks - Meadow Clan Alpha- Honey - Squeky Second- Violet - Dawn Forest Medic- Asther - Dawn Forest Soldiers- Nootau - Lost Carols Willow - Crazydayz Chogan - Tombstone Pack Chargin - Rightwolf Wynter - Mountain Pack Trainees- Frisk - RightWolf Breeze - Glowing Ambers Coral - Ace - Beach Clan Alpha- Crimson - Thunder Hunters Second- Spark - Squeky Medic- Marigold - Crazydayz Soldiers- Spider - Squeky Tundra - Tombstone Pack Cypress - Tombstone Pack Umbra - RightWolf Trainees- Weevil - The Winter Walker Flint - Zeraphia Archer - Blaze - Character Sheet Name- Age- Gender- Desired Rank- Appearence- General Personality- - Keepin it simple - - - Events Every once in a while I will incorperate events. Hurricanes, wolf attacks, rogue visitors, whatever I can think of to keep things fun and interesting. Think close to DnD style, but obviously with my own twist to keep it simple. I will also announce anything that has to do with time, weather, seasons or natural events, even probably throw in blizzards, full moons or other things like that for funsies. - - Per usual, any questions or suggestions. PM me :) Edited at January 10, 2024 03:29 PM by Squeky

Name- Honey Age- 2.5 Gender- Female Desired Rank- Leader of Meadow Clan Appearence- A golden brown coated fox. I like to think shes very pretty, especially when the suns hits just right. She has deep brown eyes that have the appearence of a smile in them. She has white fir just to the tops of her paws. Darker brown points accent her muzzle, ears and tail. General Personality- Honey is a very kind and fun leader, but believes in loyalty and justice. if you break the trust of her clan she is known to be harsh and unforgiving due to the trademark hatred for their neighbors. Outside of that she loves watching clan life, performing ceromonies and talking with her second in command about how patrols are going. - Name- Spark Age- 1 Gender- Female Desired Rank- Second in command Beach Clan General Appearnce- All black with gray accents throughout her pelt. She has cold, dark blue and an almost constant frown. Her appearence can be seen as intimidating. Spark is a lean fox, small and flexible, good at manuevering and dodging in fights. Personality- Spark is a loyal fox, almost to a fault. She trusts her leader completly and will follow orders, if she does disagree she will try to reason or advise as is her role but ultimately does what she is told. She can be very grumpy and snippy but she tries to behave around kits. Once a fox reaches training stage she can become very tough on them, if they do well she takes pride in a well trained soldier for her clan. - Name- Spider Age- 1.5 Gender - Male Desired Rank - Beach Clan Soldier General Appearence- Spider is a fluffy white fox with a couple warm brown patches on his back. His eyes are a welcoming honey color with a caring gleam. He is a large fox, bigger than many of his clan mates but he moves gently. He has a an adorable pink nose and paws, traits shared by his mother. Personality- Spider is a big and friendly fox, he prefers hunting and providing for his clan to fighting despite a general disdain for the meadow foxes. He is charming and friendly and just over all a good guy and a softie, not much else to say. - Will be adding art eventually..... gotta attempt to draw a fox Edited at December 20, 2023 05:03 PM by Squeky



I will rp can i reserve medic and alpha for beach clan?

Snow Dusted Waffles said: I will rp can i reserve medic and alpha for beach clan?
Sure, dont forget we need soldiers too ;)

Halloween buddha said: I will RP
Awesome, post a character following the character sheet and we'll getcha goin

Name- Shattered snow Age- 3 1/2 Gender- male (he/him) Desired Rank- medic but because of only having three legs is not a soldier Appearence- Large silver fox with one bright green eye and one dark brown one has only three legs does not really look like a fox General Personality- Loud outgoing sarcastic will attack you if needed hates most foxes Edited at December 5, 2023 06:00 PM by Snow Dusted Waffles

Name- Moth Age- 2 Gender- female (she/her) Desired Rank- Alpha of beach clan Appearence- Small quick Sandy colored fox with dark ambery brown eyes large nick in left ear and scar across her face General Personality- Happy outgoing loves to hang out will protect her clan at all costs