Credit to CastleGraphics@DA for Images

Meaning “Snow”
2 years
Golden Summit
Lumi is most well known for her hardwork attitude and unwavering perseverance. She never gives up on anything, no matter how difficult or dangerous the task. She could have a one percent chance of survival and still charge forth without question. Experience a setback? She works around it. A brick wall was placed in front of her? She’s bursting through it. She got severely injured and has very little chance at surviving? She’s pushing through it. She’s not going to die today. No injury, illness, or loss of a loved one can stop her. Nothing can except death itself, and a swift encounter at that. Leave her on the brink and she’s bound to come back. Anything else just fuels the chilling fire of her soul. She works, she practices, and she perfects. She puts her all into everything she holds dear. And the pack knows it.
In terms of battle, this lady is not one to trifle with. She is known to be an incredibly skilled warrior, having been able to take down some of the best within the high paladin and ranger ranks. She puts her all into each and every one of her battles, not holding back in any circumstance. Even in sparring sessions. And her blows are not to be scoffed at either. She packs a punch! Her battle skills in general are very well refined, having spent hours upon hours perfecting, modifying, and developing each and every one of her moves. She has also created some new ones, just for her liking. That way, she wouldn’t be as predictable in battle as some of her fellow fighters. After all, having uniform attacks and strategies are bound to cause trouble.
With the males, the wintery female is thought to be quite the catch. She is nearly impossible to nail down, having shown absolutely no interest in the attempts of others. In fact, she brushes off all of their advances and stomps out the flames of any newborn crush the minute she notices. Typically with a sarcastically sweet tone, harsh and straight forward words, and an uncaring, unbothered, and unimpressed face. Thus far, not a single soul has managed to catch her eye. Not even the males that others would consider the most desirable. If you ask her, she would say that if she were looking for a special someone (“Which I’m not, thank you very much.”), then it would have to be a wolf who is very mature and in a high position. Though, she’s willing to compromise the position if it means that he has a good personality to match her’s… unless he’s an Unmentionable in which he could only dream of having a chance.
An Unranked
Desired Rank:
Royal Paladin, but will settle for High Paladin
Thoughts On The Wanderers:
Nothing but despicable fiends, if you ask her. Breaking into another pack’s territory to claim it as their own for no reason other than easy pickings. No matter, her and the rest of the pack will make quick work of them. After all, they’re so few in numbers, it’d be wise of them to just flee. Though, not without a new tear or two to their hides of course. She’s not letting them get away without a reminder of the encounter.

Lumi is a rather small wolf, even if she is still growing into herself. She currently stands around 29 inches at the shoulder, and is only expected to grow an inch or two more. A sad reality for her – seeing as she would prefer a more imposing image – but she can work with it. It’s not the end of the world. She’s already got a few ideas to make up for it, after all. Matching with her short stature is a measly weight of 131 pounds. Another disgusting reality in her eyes. Though, unlike her height, she is expected to increase quite a bit in this category. Not enough to make her appear fat or lazy, but just enough to ensure that she doesn’t become a bowling pin during every battle (if not careful that is). Which is something she is absolutely looking forward to. But, do not let her size fool you. For what she lacks in size, she gains in raw power and strength. Her form is quite bulky in its build, and the muscles – although still young and underdeveloped – are rather noticeable in close proximity to her. Personally, she hopes that they would become large enough to see at a distance, but she won’t complain if they don’t. Either way, these muscular structures pack a wallop (even for an adult) and are bound to only get stronger as she ages. The most noticeable muscles are those along her shoulders, neck, head, legs, and haunches. Though, that is not to say the other regions are lacking. The legs of this female are a tad longer than those of other wolves. In certain positions, they can look rather odd. Funny, even. Though while some may laugh, she sees them as impeccably useful tools. Especially when it comes to trekking through tall snow and swimming, with swimming being the more prominent usage. Her paws have even adapted to this lifestyle and have gained some extra length to its natural webbing. The formation of her fur is simple. She dawns a medium length coat – perfect for spring and summer but often lacking for winter. Following this shorter fur trend, her cheeks are what one could consider… thin, in a way. A bit lacking in the fur department but still keeping that soft and near fluffy appearance that wolves have. Her tail, however, is quite fluffy and a bit out of place when compared to the consistency of the rest of her fur. It typically helps her to keep balance in the water when swimming, but it also makes for a comfortable pillow.
The fur of this miniscule female contains a multitude of colors, all blended into a spectacular show of beauty. The majority of the coat takes on a white complexion – either being clear as the freshly fallen snow itself or containing a hint of a creamy tint. This cream tint mainly resides around her sides while the pure white covers her legs, underbelly, and the underside of her tail. The fur along her back is a mesh of black and the creamy white, with white still being the dominant color. This causes some interesting swirl-like patterns to form around her spine where the white tries to herd the darker like a shepherd with sheep. Particularly along her upper sides. This mess of light and dark does make its way down the upper part of her tail, ending but a few inches from the tip. From here, her fur takes on the same pure white from before – covering the tip of her tail in a permanent blanket of snow. Silvery-gray fur runs rampant around the quarreling white and black – especially around her neck, shoulders, and haunches. At times, these shades do make it appear as though the black and white unified for a split second before dividing once more. The sides of her cheeks are a muddled mix of gray and tan hairs – with the gray being the dominant hue in the scenario. The mix gives her cheeks an almost ash-brown complexion which pairs nicely with the fur of her ears and neck. This gray-tan spreads back over her neck (forming a triangle shape that contains that silvery hue) as well as towards the endings of her deep brown eyes. Her ears, they drop the gray tint the minute they connect to the creamy white of her head – taking on a pure and bright tan coat. A stripe of this very tan runs up from her pitch-black black nose, just sticking to the bridge of her muzzle. It fades out just before the eyes. Though, it can appear to be longer under right lighting.
Seeing as she hasn’t been in many true battles, the wintery female’s pelt is mostly clear of permanent bumps, scrapes, and scars. Nearly all of those that she has earned came from a sparring session (where her opponent held just as much vigor as her) or a harsh learning experience. Then again, all her scars are lessons to her. Permanent reminders of mistakes made and information gathered. One of the lesser marks is located on her left ear. It is but a mere scratch, truthfully, but a big reminder that all wildlife should be respected. No matter how easy of a kill they appear to be. A small tooth mark-like cut can be observed on her upper right lip. A reminder of the need to calculate an opponent instead of blindly striking. The largest of scars – a ragged scratch akin to that of the claws of a predator – runs along her front right shoulder. It serves as a symbol for the need for observance. A much needed utility when living in such a dangerous world. If not alert, one is bound to perish.
Lumi’s voice is borderline stoic at most times of the day. Especially around those outside of her main family. Very few emotions slip into her words, as though she has an iron clasp lock sealing her emotions behind a thickest of iron bars. An emotion that passes through these bars must be hot enough to melt the very lock holding them in place. A daunting task… but one not so impossible as it seems. When around family members and close friends (and just them. No one else is permitted “entry”), she allows her emotions to run freely in her words – unlocking the lock and opening the door to the barest minimum. The main emotions one will hear are those of a teasing nature. Harsh but playful all the same. They are typically accompanied by a smirk or smug expression to add on to the tone. The pitch of her voice is in the medium to high range for females – holding a feminine yet rough aspect that can be quite captivating to newcomers. Even if it does sound a tad scratchy.

Cordial || Polite || Cold || Calculated || Cunning || Ambitious || Witty || Sarcastic || Calm || Collected || Hardworking || Perfectionist || Self Confident || Stubborn || Passionate || Feisty || High Sense Of Perseverance
“I live to serve my pack, and I will do so to my fullest extent. Nothing will stand in my way… Not even my own best friend.”

Lumi can easily be described as cordial, in some manners of the word. She is not a particularly warm or friendly wolf like its main definition. Nor is she optimistic. Rather, she strictly takes after the “polite” aspect of its meaning. Specifically when around higher ups. Not to kiss up to them in any sort of way. That’s nothing less than despicable in her eyes. Instead, she wishes to remain in their good graces and prove herself to be much unlike a certain someone in her life. Towards the lower ranks of the pack, she tends to drop this cordial aspect to some degree. While not one for pleasantries or kind gestures (around basically anyone), she does still try to be as… non confrontational as possible. Or, at least, drop her usual snarky, rude, or sarcastic tone to those she’s forced to respect unless she knows that she can get away with it.
This wintry female acts just as cold as her chilling namesake. She lacks greatly in any form of warmth or affection, being quite cold-hearted to those outside of her circle. At times, she can be borderline emotionless – showing and feeling nothing that she does not allow herself to experience. Which is typically everything. Do not come to her with your problems or emotions. She is bound to only make them worse. With this cold exterior comes a rather calculated approach to life. Seeing as she doesn’t rely on her own emotions for judgment, she focuses on the logical and realistic outcomes of a situation to determine her course of actions. She plans out her steps days ahead of the event given that it is a predictable one, mulling over every possible obstacle, challenge, and issue that could arise. She always puts consequences first and foremost, ensuring that – whatever she did – would not result in any form of backlash. Such plans can take rather… devious or cunning paths if given the chance. Of course, they’ll never break any of the pack laws, but it is not that uncommon to see her put others down in order to achieve her goals. Unless it is someone she cares for. After all, she’s not going to stop until she reaches her goal. No matter what.
In that regard, the female is considered to be very ambitious. She always aims for the highest of standards and will never settle for anything short of it. She doesn’t care if it costs her mentally or physically. She’s going to get there, no matter how difficult the task. Improvement is but child’s play. Setbacks are nothing more than pebbles. And challengers are nothing more than delicate flowers. Though, despite her ambitions, she is not inherently power hungry. She wants a higher up position, yes, but only the one best suited for her. She has absolutely no desire nor will to lead, so she wants nothing to do with the titles of “honorable lady” or “master chieftess.” And don’t get her started on the idea of being the Empress. Just the thought makes her shudder. For her, she sees the rank of Royal or High Paladin (moreso High Paladin than Royal) being just the right amount of power. Anything less, and she’ll be royally upset. But she won’t give up.
While this unranked is not a fan (at all) of humor and jokes, she is impeccably good at making witty remarks at just the right moment. All of her quick remarks are – to an extent – comical and inventive. If not borderline offensive, harsh, and down right demeaning. They often voice what she actually feels or thinks, acting in place of her emotions. She rarely holds back these replies either, not having as tight of a seal on her lips as she does her emotions. But, she knows well enough to bite her tongue around the higher ups, unless they think highly of her. However, when she is not making a witty remake, she’s making sarcastic ones. These retorts are not as… inventive as her other ones – typically going along the lines of “good job, idiot” when someone does something bad or wrong, or “yes, of course we did such and such. What did you think we did?” and the like. Her sarcastic replies almost exclusively come at times of high stress. Or when she’s messing with her brother after he did or asked something stupid. But it’s not exclusive to her family. Even those of higher ranks can hear such an answer from time to time. Though, she ensures that it’s neither rude nor directed at them before doing so.
The snow-fallen lass can be quite the calm soul at times of relative comfort – rarely expressing true anger, nervousness, or anything of the like to any one being. The strong forms of these emotions that are able to skim past her cold exterior, in particular, are what she’s able to keep bound during such moments. Such as rattling fear, crackling anger, and overwhelming sadness. Even if she may feel it, she almost never expresses it to basically anyone. Not even her own family at times. Though, she does permit her more positive emotions to take hold during this time. Just a miniscule amount, anyway. If she’s alone or only around family, that is. At these times of serenity, she is considered to be rather collected as well. It takes a lot to perturb her from her composed self at that very moment. The only thing that could possibly break her from it would be a threat to her family. But that is very much advised against unless you want to face her blinding, battle ready fury.
The “multi-colored” female is nothing short of a hardworking wolf. She is very committed to whatever she sets her mind to, expending large quantities of energy to just one particular task at a time. Her work is always diligent and contentious, placing a great amount of care put into each and every little aspect of the assignment or project. In order for her to dub something as finished, it must be perfect – or as close to perfect one can get. There cannot be any mistake, mishap, or weakness by the end. Even a single hair out of place is enough to have her start all over again. While this is bound to one day wear her thin, it has been rather beneficial for her training. She will spend hours upon hours simply running the same technique (on her own or with others) until she sees it as flawless. If she gets up, becomes slightly unbalanced, leaves an opening, or anything of the sort, then she will not be satisfied. One such issue is costly, and she will ensure that it won’t be when the time comes to actually use it. It is not unlikely to spy her up in the early hours of the morning just repeating the same movement over and over again until she is called in for duties. It’s best if one stays with her, though. Just to make sure that she doesn’t wear herself too thin.
If there’s one thing this female possesses, it’s self confidence. She places a lot of trust in her judgment, abilities, and skills – believing that it is nearly impossible for her to fail if she puts whole heart into something. She has great faith in her capability to conquer anything life throws at her. She is assured that she deserves better than what life has thrown at her. She is immovable in her beliefs, being assured that they are entirely correct and indisputable. And she knows exactly what she wants out of life and what to strive for – a spot among the high paladins. Few things can shake this bout of self confidence. Not even failure can shake her that much, for she is bound to jump right up and get back at it again. Though, she in no way flaunts her confidence or talents – unless she is toying with her siblings, of course – taking a bit more of a humble approach to the whole self-confident attitude. She is not invincible. She is not entirely perfect. And she is not the best. She’s young and still has a lot to learn, and she knows this. All she does is place trust in herself and her abilities.
Virtually nothing can break the ideas, beliefs, or positions this unranked holds. She is quite set in her ways, if one thinks about it. Once she sets her mind to anything – be it an action, thought, or attitude – it may as well be a wall of steel coated in a layer of titanium. Good reasons are nothing but mere flies banging against this wall. Well constructed arguments, outflowing with logical reasonings do nothing but cause small, mendable scratches to form. The only thing possibly able to tear down the barrier is the desperation of her family. If they are fearful enough for her safety and well being… then she would at least consider changing her mind so as to not cause them anguish or worry. Otherwise, nothing will change.
The smaller, snow-laced female holds a lot of passion in her bones. Especially towards battling and fighting techniques, which is the main driving force behind each and every one of her actions. If she doesn’t improve upon or, at the very least, utilize her battle skills in some way, then she’ll see the whole endeavor as futile and useless. She, as was already stated, focuses a lot of her time and energy into sparring, fighting, and the like. It’s essentially one of her main gimmicks at this point. The only other passion she holds (outside of family ties) is oddly swimming. But she rarely ever acknowledges it. Though, it is unwise for another to brush aside or ignore her passion for these elements of her life. She is quite the fiery canine, and is quick to earn a nasty temper for those that do so. Her near-anger typically comes in the form of snarls and snapping jaws instead of the usual emotion-filled words (as one might expect). By the end of it, she’ll either have you enjoy it too or at least accept her enjoyment of it.
The biggest take away from this wolf is that she has an incredibly high sense of perseverance. There is not one difficulty or challenge that she won’t get around. No road block and obstacle she will not traverse. And no delay that will throw her off track. She pushes through all of it. She may be on the brink of death, bleeding out, starving, or simply trapped and she will not give in until her final breath. She just keeps on pushing. Keeps on improving. Keeps on living. Never believe her to not be returning, or to back down, or to give up. It’s not happening, and you’ll more than likely face her wrath for believing that she would. Not even death itself can stop her, for she will just come back as a ghost and finish what she started. Or, at least, that’s what she tells herself and her loved ones. In reality, that’s the only thing that could ever truly triumph over her.
- Training
- Proving Her Worth
- Water
- Winning Sparring Matches
- Patrols
- Spending Time With Friends (For Short Periods Of Time)
- Messing Around
- Games
- Jokes
- Messing Up
- Her Heritage
- Traitors
- Physical Strength
- Speed
- Perseverance
- Fighting Skills
- Swimming
- Durability
- Temper (At Times)
- Somewhat Easy To Manipulate
- Experience
- Perfectionist Tendencies
Relationship Status:
Would like some drama for this one, if anyone is interested in discuss~
Anja – Lumi despises her mother with all her soul. She is nothing but a horrible, decrepit, monster in her eyes. A being that shouldn’t exist. If it weren’t for the fact that she was her blood-mother, she’d kill her the first chance she got. Though, if she were being honest, there is still a part of her that hopes she cares and cares for her in return…
Would like a close friend who is aiming for the same rank as her for some drama. I’d also be willing to discuss whether or not this friend has a crush on her (given that it’s a male)~
- Lumi is not exactly a loyal wolf, never giving up the whole of her to any one thing or one in general. However, she does live to serve her pack. That comes first. Not her happiness or interests.
- Although she is a skilled warrior, the wintery female is quite lacking in experience. Sure, all her training will come in handy but battles are unpredictable. They’re nothing like sparring matches where you know the other won’t hurt you or use a certain move. Out here is the real deal.
I actually used ta grow watermelons. They were so good. I wish we still had the garden for them. Otherwise, that’s over six years of experience gone ta waste.

Credit to CastleGraphics@DA for Images