
Plague Wolves
Dark times have settled over the world, first came the siege against the supernaturals when their existence was made public. Afraid of the unknown, the humans fought and pushed the supernaturals into hiding. It wasn’t a proud time for either group as they'd rather succumb to the idea of secrecy than try to work out their differences and accept one another. Still, despite this, there was a tiny bit of peace, the two settling into an uneasy agreement to just leave one another alone. With neither of them willing to take a first shot, things were finding some normalcy, but tension was still high between them.
Just when things started to look up though, everything came crashing down. At first it was just a few attacks here and there, some people would be found mauled and torn apart, while others would be missing, only a scene of carnage left behind. The attacks only occurred at night, and, at first, attention was swung on the supernaturals as a whole. Those who were brave enough to speak out, revealing themselves, were adamant that they knew nothing about what was happening, and even offered to help to see if they could get more information on what was killing people. The humans reluctantly agreed to allow some of the supernaturals to help, since they had found some inkling of peace for so long before then.
All came to a head on the night of full moon, when out of the sewers came a horrible shriek, followed by the agonized howls of what sounded like hundreds of werewolves. They climbed out into the moonlight, forms gnarled and deformed, foam spewing from their jaws and eyes bloodshot and glowing. They seemed diseased, rabid almost, and absolutely feral for the smell of human blood. That night the streets filled with blood as the city cried, humans fleeing as quickly as they could or hiding, praying that they weren’t found by the hounds of doom.
The attack ended as the sun rose into the sky, the werewolves retreating back into their dark hideout, leaving the humans to pick up the pieces. News quickly broke that infected werewolves were reported all throughout the world, towns completely wiped out in the span of a night. Confusion fogged the cities, unsure of what to do, if they could do anything, and if it was over. Many decided not to wait until nightfall to find out if the attack came again, while others stayed to see. As the sun fell below the horizon, the jaws of the plague opened to swallow those unfortunate enough to be found. The weeks continued like this, the city crumbling as its inhabitants either left or turned, fueling the ranks of the infected lycans.
It’s now been a few weeks since the attacks first began, and most of the residents have either left or joined the infected. A group of the last survivors has had enough, they’re ready to leave. However, with the number of the infected swelling to the point they are found hiding in darkened buildings, it’s a wonder if it’s too little too late. Wanting to better their odds, the humans seek out maybe the only people who can help them: a group of supernaturals living beneath the city, rumored to have been primarily left alone by the infected wolves. As rumors of a Safe Haven in the mountains begin to rise, the supernaturals seem to be the only hope for the humans to escape the city and reach the Safe Haven alive. Now, will they help them, or will they choose to save their own skin and leave the humans to the wolves?
This is an Rp that Tene, Polly, and I have created together. We are the Game Masters of this Rp, and they have just as much say in things as I do. Please show them the same amount of respect as you would me, as they are also in charge. Edited at May 31, 2023 11:05 PM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay RulesFollow all of WP's and Eve's rules1. Be Active. Do not Join just to Never Post or Finish your Character. Activity is required for Rp Thread and Discussion. 2. Reservations will last 3 Days, starting at the time of Submission. 12 Hour Extensions can be Given if Requested before the Initial 3 Days is Up. 3. Maximum 3 Characters Per Person, however, you Must have 1 of each before having 2 of either role. You must get Prior Permission by One of the GMs to bypass this Rule. 4. There are No Official Ranks/Hierarchy among either Group, the only "Rank" there is a Spokesperson for each group [see explanation], as an actually Hierarchy will be established in Rp if any. 5. The Humans are just normal, modern humans. They should not be expert assassins, nor will the humans be very well equipped to fight the Infected Lycans. The Supernaturals will be doing most of the Fighting. 6. This Rp is Semi-Literate to Literate, and this will need to be Demonstrated in Rp and Sign Ups. Descriptions and Personalities need to be at least 2 Full Paragraphs Each with decent Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation. 7. No Perfect Characters, Godmodding, First Person POV, etc. I will not tolerate it. 9. Hate the Character, not the Player. Also, Do Not Exclude People. We all like to Rp with our Friends, but if I see you actively ignoring people I will address it. 10. I Reserve the Right to Deny Applications as I see fit. I ususally will give you an explanation of why and will let you try to fix it, but I will not necessarily tell you how, as I don't believe that is my job. 11. We will be using a Roll System to Determine things such as Attacks, Injuries, Victims, etc. Please Read the Below Explanation so you Understand it. 12. Your Character is going to get hurt, possibly even die. Please be prepared for that. 13. Have fun!
Species Not Allowed | Dragon Types Angels & Demons [Think Heaven & Hell or Biblical] Devils Mummies Ghosts Zombies Gods
The Roll System Tenebris Umbra, Polly, and I are all considered Game Masters. We will be eithe rolling Dice or Spinning a wheel to determine a variety of different things. Here is the breakdown of it. 1. We Will be Rolling or Spinning to Determine if the group will have been found and attacked each night. 2. If an Attack occurs, we will Roll or Spin to Determine what type of Attack. 3. After that we Will Roll or Spin to Determine different factors for the Attacks, such as Who is Attacked, How Many Waves or Wolves Attack, etc. 4. Finally we will be Rolling or Spinning to determine which injuries each Character will sustain. These are: None, Mild, Moderate, Severe, or Death/Turned.
Note: I will PM you at the beginning of the Rp your Characters' Assigned numbers. Please keep track of them, as they'll be used in the Above System. Edited at May 31, 2023 10:39 PM by Imperial Sands

About the Plague Wolves
The Plague wolves were once ordinary Werewolves, aka Lycans, however, at some point, an infection brewed within them, creating something similar to rabies for them. This mutated them, turning them into Lycan like creatures capable of moving on two or four legs. They stand at about 7 to 9 feet tall, and easily out weigh humans by a lot. Foam spews from their jaws, and their eyes are bloodshot and feral. There is not thoughts aside from maim or kill in their heads, and their targets are humans or those who protect humans or stand in their way. They seem immune to the pain from the injuries they sustain, only slowing down when they've successfully been killed.
Now the infection that they have can only affect werewolves. This means other species of supernaturals are safe, but humans are not. Since humans can be turned into werewolves through a severe mauling, almost to the point of killing them, that means a human who is turned automatically turn into one of these infected lycans. To spread this infection to other werewolves, though, they have to bite and break skin so their foamy saliva gets into the blood stream. Once it does, there is nothing that can be done, the werewolf is infected.
Now, with the infection, some adverse weaknesses or challenges have presented themselves. The first being the Infected Lycans cannot stand being out in the sunlight. This means when the sun is up they're are taking refuge under ground or in darkened rooms where no sunlight can get in. However, once the sun dips below the horizon, they are out in full, rabid force. They aren't terriblyy affected by the moon, the only real affect there is that on the full moon they are stronger and much, much more aggressive than normal. They also no longer return back to human form, there is nothing human about them anymore. They live to kill and to eat.
The Humans
This is probably pretty self explanatory, but the humans are just normal, modern day people. They don't really have the ability nor the skill to even hold their own against the Plagued Wolves. Their best line of defense to hide and be quiet and hope for the best, or leave during the day and hope they put enough distance between them and the wolves before night falls. Since most of them have no access to modern weapons that might stand a chance against the wolves, most of them weapons that they can use just wouldn't hold up against the infected lycan or would just draw more attention to them.
The group of Humans has one current established role, and thats the "Spokesperson". They don't make any decisions on their own, but they do speak on behalf of the group so multiple people aren't speaking over each other. However, decisions are ultimately made by the group.
The Supernaturals
Unlike the Humans, the Supernaturals aren't really a target to the Wolves. No one really has an explanation on why, though most believe it has something to do with the fact that they cannot be turned and therefore infected. Now, it has been discovered that a Supernatural with humans does become a target, and will be attacked, especially if they are defending the humans. Due to their supernatural capabilities, the Supernaturals do tend to stand a better chance against the Lycans, able to use their abilities to their advantage.
Currently the group has been safe inside an underground bunker, a place they retreated to when the humans began to attack them a couple of years ago. It's a known safe place of shelter for the supernaturals of all types. When the attacks that included the supernaturals trying to help occurred, they quickly retreated back down to their bunker, living there quietly and trying to avoid drawing the attention of the wolves to them.
Like the Human Group, the Supernaturals have also elected a "Spokesperson" to speak on behalf of the group. They do not have any true power, and cannot make decisions on their own, but they are the ones who speak to outsiders when needed. Decisions, though, are made by the group.
Supernatural Guide Here are some guidelines to follow when making a character. - Minimum 3 Physical Weaknesses - For every Ability your character has, they must have 1 weakness too. Abilities and Weaknesses should always be at least equal in number. - Keep in Mind the Species List for Creatures not Allowed - They all must be Humanoid in Appearance or have a Human Form
Edited at May 31, 2023 10:56 PM by Imperial Sands

The Available Roles
The Humans 1. Reserved for Me 2. Reserved for Polly 3. Reserved for Tene 4. Reserved for Spellbound 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.The Supernaturals 1. Reserved for Me 2. Reserved for Polly 3. Reserved for Tene 4. Reserved for Spellbound 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Edited at June 1, 2023 04:49 AM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: [Full Name] Nicknames: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Species: Thoughts on the Humans?: [Erase if Human] Thoughts on the Supernaturals?: [Erase if Supernatural] Appearance: Personality: Abilities: Strengths & Weaknesses: Affiliations: [Crush, Kin, Enemies, Friends, etc.] Other:
Edited at May 31, 2023 11:02 PM by Imperial Sands

This is Now Open It's new, so if you have questions, please ask. There are likely kinks to be worked out.

Reserving A Human & Supernatural

My Supernatural Name: Noxolo Otieno Nicknames: Nox Age: 47 Years Old Appears about 20 or so Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Species: Pixie Thoughts on the Humans?: They're weak, they can't survive in this new world, but they're also her and her group's only ticket into any kind of safe haven. Who knows if the rabid lycans will continue only being interested in humans when their prey source runs out? So, if she has to pretend to like them to get into a place of safety, then so be it. Appearance: [Credit Goes to Malachitinous on Picrew.me] True to her pixie bloodlines, Noxolos has skin of a rather inhuman color, setting them apart from species like fairies, which are typically simply miniature humans. Her skin is a shade of blue, a little pale in color, and only slightly different from the blue of her hair, which is only a touch darker. Her hair is short, cut to be just below her jawline, while her horns, or what's left of them, help keep it out of her eyes. Her horns are a pale grey-blue shade, and mere shadows of what they used to be. They were once long, straight, and a thing of pride for the woman. Now, one is more like a stump of a horn, and the other is snapped off a little more than half-way up. As said, these help keep her hair out of her eyes, which are completely an aqua-blue shade with no pupils or sclera and give off a soft glow, even in her larger, more humanoid form. Around her eyes, she has markings of the same color that give off the same glow, a line above and below each eye, and five dots beneath both eyes. Nox's lips are rather full, and a darker blue-green shade, leaning blue. Behind it, her teeth are white, and pointed like a predatory animals teeth, serrated in a way that makes them look as if they're simply made to rip through flesh. Her ears are pointed, and are a little long, with one piercing on her right side, a feather hanging off of it. They can move, tilting back, forward, practically like an animals, and are sometimes a subconscious show of her emotions. Out of her back comes her wings, when she chooses, which are a butterflies wings, specifically a blue morpho's. A vibrant shade of cerulean blue, darkening in color near the top gradually, with lines of grey throughout and an outline of black with white and orange dots. The woman's figure is covered in lean muscle, but Nox isn't notably bulky or brawny, often appearing much frailer than she actually is. In this form, she stands at about 5'2", being notably small compared to many other people. Second Form: Nox's pixie form is significantly smaller than her primary one, standing at a mere 4 inches tall. Her figure is very small, and very thin, almost frail-looking if one could get a close enough look at her. It isn't quite a smaller version of her full-sized self, but a slightly warped one, almost a more savage or wild version than who she fully presents as. Her skin is the same shade as in her larger form, but her features are seemingly much sharper than in her bigger form, with her eyes sitting proportionally much larger on her face, glowing the same bright cyan-blue. The dots on her face are like her eyes, proportionally much larger compared to the rest of her body, being much more obvious than in her larger form. Her ears are longer, protruding out of her hair by a noticable length, while her teeth are all much sharper. All of her teeth are pointed in this form, not just her canines. Her wings are the same, a bright blue morpho's wings, although in this form they are always out, and she cannot poof them away. Her nails are much longer in this form, sharp and almost like talons, forming into weapons, much like her teeth. Her legs are proportionally oddly long compared to her torso, giving her a lanky, strange appearance. And, in this form, Noxolos' entire body gives of a bright, distinct cyan-blue glow. It's bright enough that her body is almost completely hidden behind the glow, casting light all around her. Personality: Secretive || Extremely Loyal || Intelligent || Introvert || Reserved || Strangely Wise || Impatient || Playful || Slight Troublemaker || Protective || Cunning || Blunt || Few Words, But Direct || Quiet WIP Abilities: Flight/Wings Due to having wings, Noxolos is able to fly quite quickly in both of her forms. However, in her bigger form, she's able to "poof her wings", so to speak, meaning they aren't visible by anyone, and no one but Noxolos can touch them while they're poofed. Pixie Nox's small pixie form, while tiny, is fast-moving and agile, much quicker than her already relatively quick speed. Her teeth and talons let her give little tiny maulings, and, while she may not be as strong as a bodybuilder, her strength in this form is about the same as her bigger form, if not stronger, despite her week appearance. Morphing Nox has the ability to change her shape temporarily into another living creature. She can't be an inanimate object, she must be something that lives and breaths, and it's only temporary. The larger the creature is, the less time she has before her magic forces her to morph back into her own body. It can take concentration to morph in this manner, the quicker her morph is needed and the bigger her morph is, the more she has to concentrate. If interrupted or forced out of a morph while in the process of changing, it can be painful for her. Illusions Noxolos can make temporarily illusions of anything she desires. In their easiest form, Nox's illusions are the same bright, glowing cyan-blue that surrounds her pixie form by default, but she can dim the glow and change their colour with concentration. Enhanced Senses Enhanced senses compared to humans, so better overall senses. Don't know how much I have to explain that. Strengths: WIP Weaknesses: Iron | Noxolos, like most pixies, has an extremely adverse reaction to iron. Being in it's presence makes her extremely uncomfortable, and iron coming into contact with her skin leaves her in excruciating pain. Her Horns | Nox's horns are extremely sensitive on where they have been snapped off. Pressing on them harshly can cause her extreme pain. Her Wings | Noxolos' wings are sensitive when she has them out, delicate like a butterflies. While hers can be healed with powers, losing parts of her wing or tearing them can leave her slow and a weaker flyer, while also in pain. Her Glow | Noxolos can't exactly get rid of her glow, so while in her smaller form, while she's quicker and smaller, she's also much more obvious. Her Size | Her small pixie form may be strong and fast, but it's still small. If someone can get a hold of her, Nox is practically done, and that's that. Instability | Some of Nox's powers require concentration, and if she's in a position where she can't concentrate, it can make her and her powers unstable, which can have affects depending on the power. Affiliations: Open/TBA [Tene's Girl] | Her Friend Other: My girl <3 Edited at June 1, 2023 09:30 AM by Polly

Name:Ensei Thomas Mckinley; His parents kept his birth name, and gave him a middle name. Nicknames:Ensei, En, or Thomas Mainly. Age:23 Years Gender: Masculine Sexuality: Pansexual Species:Okuri-Inu; "The Boogeyman of the Yokai World" A terrifying creature, often, and foolishly, mistaken for a hellhound, as it takes up a dog or lupine like form, a Okuri-Inu is a territorial and violent, but in the most evasive and unnerving way. Instead of out right attack those who venture into their turf, they instead follow them, closely and precisely, step for step, waiting for them to either leave the area, or to trip up and be slaughtered. The Okuri-Inu holds a powerful and terror inducing aura that is fear inducing to all those around it, naturally warding off anything around it. It rumored that, to be trailed by an Okuri-Inu is both a blessing and a curse, because, on one hand, their aura and ferocity scares away anything else that might attack you. But, on the other, hand, if you trip and fall, and you aren't their friend, they're going to eat you.
Okuri-Inu, however, are capable of being tricked. You can either announce that you're taking a rest when needed, or, if you do fall, and you can make it look like it was on purpose, and announce you're exhausted and need a rest, the Inu will leave you be, remaining where it is while following you. Thoughts on the Humans: He isn't too fond of them. He already struggles with control, and their presence just makes it worse. Plus, he doesn't imagine they'll understand him, and it'll just make his life more difficult. To him, they're relatively unwelcomed. [Ironically these were his thoughts from a different Rp, yet they still apply here.] Appearance:  Credit Belongs to Nekomaio [Previously Mochiibon] on Picrew.me
Tall & Thin Build, Leanly Muscled Somewhere Between Ectomorphic & Mesomorphic in Shape Has a Narrower Build, Not Ripped Like Some Lean but Well Muscled, Wirey - Surprisingly Stong Despite Build Pale Skin Tone - Slight Ashen Tone to It Bright, Red Eyes, Always Glowing Has Canine Teeth instead of Human Teeth, so they're Sharp & Pointed Pointed Ears instead of Rounded Japanese Heritage, Appears to be Mixed Though Shaggy, Black Hair, Frames his Face Well, Reaches a bit Passed his Eyes Has a Touseled, Lazy Hair style, the "woke up like this" type. Straight, Narrow Nose, on the Longer Side Thinner Lips, Pale but Dark Pink in Color Deep Set, More Narrow Eyes, Hooded Straight Jawline with a Narrow Chin. Hollower Cheeks, but Sharp Cheekbones He has a Slightly "Sickly" Look to him, but that is his species showing through. Large, Thin Hands with Long, Nimble Fingers Pretty Flat Body Type in Terms of Features such as Badonkadonk There is a Natural Wicked, Devious-ness to his features Tattoo Across his Left Shoulder/Shoulder Blade and Up the Left Side of his Neck
 Credit Belongs to SuriLucy on Picrew.me WIP
Clothing & Accessories: Used to have Several Piercings, but they don't transition well to his Dog Form. so just his Ears are Pierced Now. Dark Aesthetic in terms of Clothes. Not Fancy Clothes. But Always Shades of Black and Grey, or Dark Colors. Prefers Jackets, Hoodies, and Long Sleeves. They offer comfort to him. Cargo pants and dark jeans. He doesn't wear skinny jeans, but the jeans he does wear are form fitting. Dark work like boots or converse are his go to shoes. Beanies when it's cold are common.
Secondary Appearance: Irish Wolfhound x Grey Hound Like Build All Black, Slightly Raggedy Fur A bit "Malnourished" looking Bright, Piercing Red Eyes, Glowing Often Mistaken for a Hellhound
WIP Personality:Quiet || Reserved || Only Speaks When Spoken To || Always a Trailer, Never a Leader || Avoidant & Evasive in a General Aspect || Highly Observant || Stoic || Aggressive To Those he Isn't Fond Of || Hates Felines & Vulpines || Loyal || Mimickry || Can be Expressive About Certain Things || Patient || Intelligent || A Bit Moody at Times || Tempermental too
Abilities: - Incredible Speed & Strength: Despite his appearance, in either form, he has enhanced speed and strength. While his speed is his primary strength, being far faster than he is strong, he's still capable of man handling and throwing others around with ease. He's stronger and faster in his canine form though. Able to out pace most creatures, this is one of his deadliest traits.
- Fear Inducement: Okari-Inu's have an aura around them that, in either form, instills fear in all those around them to some degree. It isn't overwhelming to the point where they can't move, but it's enough to cause others to give him a wide berth, and makes it more likely for them to trip or slip up. He doesn't have control over this ability completely, however, everyone responds to it different, some people might only have their hair stand on end or have the desire to move away from him. Whereas, others might genuinely be afraid of him and trip over themselves to get away from him.
- Enhanced Senses: Being of the Canine Species, Ensei has enhanced senses, particularly hearing and smell in his canine form. In human form, his sense of sight is also greatly increased. It's likely they're enhanced greater than your average dog.
- Canine Physiology: As mentioned above, he's of the Canine Species. So he has the ability to turn into a canine, with the same instincts and capabilities of them. His particular form is something resembling an Irish Wolfhound and Greyhound Mix.
Likes & Dislikes:Likes: + Reading, Movies, Tv Shows. + Plums. He Loves them, especially with Sugar. + Birds. He loves Birds. + Blankets. He Collects Them. + Cooking. Food in General. - Dogs. He loves Pooches.
Dislikes: - Vulpines & Felines. It's a natural instinct. - Really bad smells or loud/high pitch sounds. - Confined Spaces or Being Trapped. - Crowds. - Nectarines. - He Dislikes being Mistaken for a Hellhound.
Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: + Extremely, and highly observant. There is very little, if anything, that can get past him. + Very Quick, and his main fighting style is to be evasive until he can attack. So he's difficult to land blows on. + Tracking, since he pretty much follows people constantly, he's really good at picking up on trails, signs, etc. + He will absolutely destroy anyone for those he considers his. He's completely loyal to them. + While he is usually pretty obvious when following someone, he can also be incredibly stealthy too.
Weaknesses: - Cannot attack unless their opponent or target trips or stumbles. Just as they cannot speak until spoken to. - Sensitive to high pitched or super loud noises, his hearing is just as sensitive as a dog's if not more. - Just like he can only attack when someone has stumbled or tripped, he cannot attack someone who is resting either. - He has a hard time gaining allies and friends due to his nature and natural aura. So he tends to be alone, and do everything as such. - His behavior tends to set off those who aren't familiar with him or his species, which makes him a target sometimes. - When he is extremely upset or pissed off about something, he has a very difficult controlling the urge to attack. Which means if he's at that place mentally, and someone trips or stumbles, he may not be able to keep himself from attacking.
Relationship Status: Single Crush: None Kin: He doesn't know his Biological Family, as he was Adopted as a Baby. His Mother is Daphne, his Father is Elliott. He has Two, Younger Sisters, Danica & Emery [Both Possibly Open, Names can be Changed]. All the Children, meaning him and his sisters, were adopted, as his parents were unable to have children. His Mother is Human, but his Father is a Supernatural. Affiliations: Open - Wip! Other: First thing to keep in mind for him, Ensei doesn't have to follow people to move around. Except when he's traveling with a group. He will never take the lead, he will never pass whoever he's with when walking. Typically he is walking behind or off to the side of them, walking in sync with them. If he's behind them, his steps mirror theirs and he will only step where they do. When he's actually trailing someone for a different purpose, he can be blatant or more stealthy about it, but he mirrors their movements. They walk, he walks. If they stop, he stops and waits for them to move. However, if he loses interest or wants to move on to something or someone else, he simply will.
Second thing to keep in mind with the Okuri-Inu, is they are a species that, like many, started out as their beast form first, and eventually grew to adapt to having a human form. For the Okuri-Inus, that was pretty recently, so a lot of their instincts and leanings still present themselves. While they may not necessarily follow people on the roads of mountains and forests to kill and eat them, those instincts and tendencies still present themselves in various ways. Especially since some of them still do. :D Edited at June 1, 2023 05:23 AM by Imperial Sands

Reserve a supernatural? Also, just to make sure, are shifters allowed supernaturals? I would make a human, but for a RP like this, I'm probably better off sticking with one character. XD