
Hello~ Nux speaking, as always. Honestly I don't stop talking. Anyways! This will be a Zombie Apocalypse AU where a brain altering bacteria leaked from a top sercet lab causing a group teens to be torn from their normal lives and are now forced fight for survival against blood thirsty monsters that they once knew as people they loved and trusted. The Government crashed and economy failed. Riots ripped through the streets in violent waves. The world was no place for kids, but here they were. Now the only question that stands; Will their tale end in tragedy? Or will they find a safe haven where the last survivers can thrive without the treat of dying or losing someone? ⇔ Characters!: The main 5 Nux Pixie Kit Spider Bat Acornclan Fallen Hero's Side characters Pixie Kit Mama Star Fox Shattered Sky Pack M I S E R Y M I S E R Y Mama Star Fox open open open open ⇔ Name: Age (15-18): Main or Side (if you're character is a side you have to be ok with the death of said character.) Back story: Family (I may not have stated this, but no one has any living guardians... sorry?): Gender: Sexuality: Apearance: ⇔ Thank you all!! As a reminder! If you don't feel like submitting a character sheet, you can always submi it later. Edited at April 20, 2023 11:14 PM by ~♥Nux♥~

Res a main and side please! ^^

🌟 Pixie Kit 🌟 said: Res a main and side please! ^^
You got it!


Spider Bat said: Can i reserve a main?

Name: Ziarae (Rae) Marze (I has changed her name >:3) Age (15-18): 17 Main or Side: Main Back story: When Rae was a child, she was told by her parents unbelievable stories about how there used to be zombies, but they were weak and were easily fought off. Most were killed, but some escaped into the woods surrounding Rae's hometown. When Rae was 15, her town was overrun by zombies and the humans tried to fight them off, but the zombies had evolved to be stronger than humans and slowly, one by one, turned Rae's entire town to zombies. Her family was last, and she watched them turn as they were trying to escape the town. Rae and her little brother were the only ones to escape. Soon after that, Rae and her brother were attacked in the middle of the night and her brother was turned because, being 8 years old, he was too slow to outrun the zombies. Rae hasn't slept since, it has been 2 weeks since she's slept (willingly, she's passed out a few times from sheer exhaustion). The first day of the rp is her 16th birthday. Family: Mother: Hailey - Turned at 34 Father: Jake - Turned at 36 Sisters: Kiara - Turned at 12, Lisa - Turned at 3 Brothers: Orion - Turned at 13, Milo - Turned at 8 Gender: Female Sexuality: A-Sexual (but if she ever develops feelings for someone it'll be straight) Apearance: Rae has long caramel hair that's not well kept, it's quite messy, but clean. Her eyes are a pretty emerald green, but dull and haunted, giving her a shadowed appearance. She's traumatized, so she often shakes and has breakdowns (not for pity, just a natural outcome of trauma). Her skin is pale and slightly smudged with dirt, though she tries to keep herself clean. Her eyes have dark bags underneath them because she never sleeps, and she has a dark, tear-drop shaped birthmark beneath her left eye. Rae is really thin from not being able to find much food, but she's strong. Her fingernails are coated with chipped green paint from when she and her sister painted them, a day before the apocalypse. Rae has several scars on her body, including one on her right forearm, one on her left thigh, and one over her left eye, not blinding it. Rae tends to wear dark clothes that cover her skin, like hoodies and sweatpants. She rarely talks and keeps her distance from people, not wanting to get close to anyone in case she loses them. Edited at April 20, 2023 08:09 PM by 🌟 Pixie Kit 🌟

Name: Fire Helados Age (15-18): 17 Main or Side (if you're character is a side you have to be ok with the death of said character.): Main Back story: Fire was adopted by two loving women named Ruby and Willow. She's extremely accident prone and often hurts herself unintentionally. (There's more that shake be revealed during the rp storyline.) Family (I may not have stated this, but no one has any living guardians... sorry?): Mothers, Ruby and Willow. Ruby was killed during a hoard in her way home from work. Willow accidentally ingested blood splatter from an infected as she killed it. Fire left her in the house. Gender: Because Female Sexuality: Still figuring that one out Apearance: Mid-back length light brown wavy hair that's dyed red at the tips. Two lobal piercings on each ear, an helix piercing on her left ear, nose piercing in her left nostril. Small scar one her right cheek from a kitchen mishap. Multiple scars on her arms and legs from several different accidents. Petite build, 5'1 in height. Wears ripped skinny jeans and black tank tops. Charms bracelet on her right wrist from her moms on her 16th birthday. A hollow tear drop shaped necklace that contains her first dogs ashes (she never takes this off). Edited at April 10, 2023 11:19 PM by Nux

Name: Chloe Pitts Age (15-18): 17 Main or Side (if you're character is a side you have to be ok with the death of said character.) Main Backstory: When Chloe was young she would always put those around her first, even if it was the slightest thing. As she got older people would begin taking advantage of this fact causing her to gain trust issues that covered up her empatheticness. Chloe grew closed off for several years but still kept a friend group around her. When she was 13 her home and town was hit by a horde of zombies. She watched her friends get killed and her family eaten. Chloe ran away finding shelter among groups of survivors outside of villages for years. Family (I may not have stated this, but no one has any living guardians... sorry?): Mom: Krystal Pitts - Shot after being infected Sister: Basil Pitts - Turned at 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: Aro-ace Appearance: Chloe has her hair to the middle of her neck. She has a numb expression on her face constantly, almost as if it does not change. Her skin is normally stained with dry blood or covered in dirt and mud. Chloe has emerald green eyes and freckles along her face. Her appearance is quite soft which does not match well with her personality. Chloe's outfit choices commonly consist of sweatpants or jeans that were passed down from survivors she stayed with and hoodies/jackets that she found or made. Chloe does make most of her clothes and when she does make them she wears them until they get holes and begin to break which then she patches them, so her clothes are very patchy. She has a birthmark on her hand that she normally hides with bandage wrap or a glove. She normally tried to craft things to felt protect her skin from the zombies such as goggles, thick gloves, leather padding, and more.

Name: Tyler Carter - Age: 17 - Main or Side: Side - Backstory: Tyler got abandoned by both mother and father at 12 years old. He has been fending for himself ever since, living off what he could get himself. He is very crafty with tools and great at making traps. Tyler has anger issues which is part of the reason his parents let him go. He has always lived in the woods, and knows a lot about it. Tyler doesn't like people that much but when he can help them, he will. - Family: Mother- Sierra Carter, Lost. Father- James Carter, Lost. Sister- Sheyanne Carter, Deceased. Sister- Lily Carter, Turned. - Gender: Male - Height: 6'3 - Sexuality: Still Figuring That Out. - Appearance: Tall, has well toned muscles that come from years of living in the woods, medium length very thick black hair, a small black mustache and a 2-3 inch long black beard, always wears black clothing, has a very strong southern accent, very dark blue eyes, looking black in anything but very strong light. He always wears black boot cut jeans, a black t -shirt, and a black leather jacket. Usually has a belt of daggers hidden under his leather jacket. He has a handsome, well curved face with a strong jaw, medium thickness black eyebrows, and a stone cold expression that very rarely changes. - Personality: Cunning, Strong, Lithe, Rude, Caring, Grumpy, Amusing, Jokester.
