
12 people, 1 scientist, all in one room. Everything was going fine until… it wasn’t. An explosion happened. All of the energy from the explosion was taken in by the people there. The energy was taken in by the people in different ways. Some it made the people control things with their mind, some had the ability to create, other had the ability to destroy. And so on. Their different abilities could help or hurt. All 12 gathered the energy, unlike the scientist, it on the other hand was not a human he was something else. Once they awoke he was, as best they could describe him, a metallic substance.

Sign up Sheets Name: Nickname(s): Age: Gender: Sexuality: Birthday: Power: /~/ Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: Fears: More Emotional/Logical: Allergies/Disabilities: What Hand Are Their Powers In, If Any, Both/Right/Left-Handed: Background: What their clothes look like: *Themesong(s): Role: Other: *if none you don't have to add any You can make reservations but get back with me 2-3 days after you made the reservation. Please.

Rules 1. All of Eve’s/WP’s rules 2. Cursing is allowed, keep at minimum though, it can’t be in every paragraph, every post. 3. LGBTQIA+ I don't mind 4. No OOC drama 5. No explicit scenes! 6. No Weeping Willows, Mary/Gary Sues, Spotlight Susans, or any of those sort. 7. Semi-Lit —> Lit. 1 paragraphs(5 sentences) every post, at least. Try to post once a week at the least, if possible. Please PM me or one of the other people if you can’t do it one week. 8. Three strikes, and you’re out. 9. I have the right to deny or accept any sign-ups. But I will most likely accept all of the sign-ups. 10. Be diverse with your characters please, I don’t want two of the same thing. 11. Hate the character(s), not player(s). 12. Do not kill/gravely injure someone’s character without permission. 13. Max characters right now is 2 Edited at December 15, 2020 03:12 PM by Chosen Ones

6 Superhuman (good) ~PackOfSpoons ~Angel ~Fangsoffire ~Primp ~PackOfSpoons(2) ~the_ravenborn. 6 Superhuman (bad) ~Chosen Ones ~Among Us ~Magic135 ~Hurricane blizzards ~Cicatrize ~starstomore Scientist: ~starstomore Edited at January 11, 2021 10:35 AM by Chosen Ones

Name: Gabriella Gates Nickname(s): Gabi AKA: Ghost Girl Age: 23 Gender: Female Sexuality: straight
Birthday: March 4 Power: To walk through walls, turn invisible, and teleport why/how this happens/happened: She is switching between matters from soild,to liquid, then to gas. This is because the pain separated all of her cells and they keep shifting and changing force. /~/ Appearance: Her hair is 2 inches past her shoulders, an alburn brown, and wavy. Her eye colors are green(left) and blue(right). She has fair skin with no markings. She is 5'6 and skinny. Personality: Likes: Animals, sketching out what she thinks went on inside her for 5 years, science, and shooting. Dislikes: the outcome of the pain, because I leads to more pain, her childhood, both of her parents died in a shooting, and reading books. Strengths: Is know numb to pain, strong, knows how to fight Weaknesses: can't feel pain, can't tell if she is hurt, she is distracted easily by others Fears: that she will lose the people she is closest to More Emotional/Logical: fights because her parents died fighting for her, she feels she owes her parents the same dept Allergies/Disabilities: N/A What Hand Are Their Powers In, If Any, Both/Right/Left-Handed: N/A
What their clothes look like: she has a black suit that covers her interior body except her head where the suit cuts off into a hood and she wears a black plastic mask *Themesong(s): Other: Bad Edited at December 15, 2020 03:32 PM by Chosen Ones

(Big Wip) ----- Name: Nickname(s): Age: Gender: Sexuality: Birthday: Power: /~/ Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: Fears: More Emotional/Logical: Allergies/Disabilities: What Hand Are Their Powers In, If Any, Both/Right/Left-Handed: Background: What their clothes look like: *Themesong(s): Role:

Name:Night Stone Nickname(s):Night Age:18 Gender:Male Sexuality:Gay Birthday:225 3 Power: Able to shift into any creature that he can imgaine /~/ Appearance: He has black hair with blue cat like eyes. He is 6'7 and still growing. He has many scars from the past. His hair has a blue highlight. He usualy wears a black hoodie with dark blue jeans. Personality:He is a shy an lonely kid. He can tell what type of person you are just by studieing you. He can be very scared when he is cornered and can be very nice and friendly to people he likes. He advoieds people he either likes alot or doesnt like. Likes: Animals and the sunlight Dislikes: Water and swimming Strengths: Stealth and speed Weaknesses: loud sounds and crowds Fears: beening alone More Emotional/Logical: drowing Allergies/Disabilities: none What Hand Are Their Powers In, If Any, Bothe? Both/Right/Left-Handed: Left handed Background: He was abused when he was young. His family disowned him at the age of 13 so he had a ruff life. He always was bulied by people who hated him or jealious of him. What their clothes look like: A black hoodie and dark blue jeans. His shoes are black and white *Themesong(s): The kid has a darkside Role: Good shifter Other: Love this. *if none you don't have to add any

I might consider joining as a scientist, however the fact that there's no restrictions and limits on the powers (ie 1 per person and no OP powers) makes me hesitant. I will watch this thread for a bit, however if it doesn't catch my attention I won't join

Name:sage Nickname(s):none Age:14 Gender:female Sexuality:? Birthday:dec 13 Power:fire /~/ Appearance:cloudy blue eyes, tan skin, messy blonde hair, wears a black hoodie, ripped jeans Personality:unknown Likes:reading, wolves, pain Dislikes:people/why because she was abused to the point where now she hates everyone. Strengths:stealth Weaknesses:unable to see Fears:being imprisioned in a small space. More Emotional/Logical:? Allergies/Disabilities:blind, during the pain she was blinded. What Hand Are Their Powers In, If Any, both, right, left. Both/Right/Left-Handed:both Background:abused when she was younger, until she grew numb to the pain, always hates people, spends most her time in the forest hiding with wolves. What their clothes look like:already did this/ black hoodie, ripped jeans, and worn black sneakers *Themesong(s):darkside/Allen walker/ safe and sound ,Taylor swift Role:on the bad side I guess Other:? *if none you don't have to add any You can make reservations but get back with me 2-3 days after you made the reservation. Please.

Name: Lily Nickname(s): Lil Age: 18 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Birthday: June 7th Power: Weapon Manipulation--> Can make weapons out of thin air and know how to use them instantly. Can disarm weapons at moments glance. Telekinesis--> Can move things with mind. Shapeshifter-->Can turn into any creature she has seen. Invisibility detachment--> She can make her whole body turn invisible or just parts of it. Example: Turning everything but her skeleton invisible. /~/ Appearance: Long black hair, which usually is dyed with streaks of silver and red. She is skinny but tall at 5'11. She has dark blue eyes and has one scar that starts at her ear and runs down her back. Usually wears hoodie to cover it. Wears red stud in one ear, and wears a wolf pendant on her neck. Usually wears mask over her eyes to avoid anyone recognizing her. Personality: Lily is sweet and caring for all, but do not be fooled. If threatened or her friends threatened, she will destroy you in a moment's notice. She tries to stay hidden as she is very shy, but if needed will come help fight. (Might add more to this~) Likes: Animals, helping, friends, using her powers for good, healers Dislikes: Crowds, being threatened, strangers, pain Strengths: Great fighter without powers and can slip away unnoticed. Weaknesses: Will never hurt kids, will always go to her friends if they need help(bait or no) Fears: That her friends would get hurt and she would be the cause of it. More Emotional/Logical: She feels that she should be the opposite of what her parents did when she knew them. Allergies/Disabilities: N/A What Hand Are Their Powers In, If Any, N/A Both/Right/Left-Handed: Both Background: Her parents abused her when she was young. They would beat her and whip her like their servants. Lily retaliated with freeing the servants and running away. She lived in the wilderness for the rest of her young life, learning how to hunt from the wolves and how to stalk like the foxes. She went back to the city around the age of 14, where she learned to live the city life. What their clothes look like: Wears black hoodie with black jeans matched her hair to blend into the shadows. Navy blue sneakers. *Themesong(s): Role: Good side Other: Can't wait to begin^^ Might make another character~Maybe. PM me if you want to be Lily's friend. (0/2) Edited at January 14, 2021 07:58 AM by Fangsoffire
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