
Heyo! I just recently got into drawing human art, since before now I've only drawn feral animals and furries :) - I have a W.I.P peice of one of my human characters that I think looks really good, but you guys are much better artists than I'll ever be, so I'd like to hear your opinions on it! ^^ (post images isn't being the best right now so you'll have to click the link to see it :<)
- Edited at April 4, 2021 09:26 PM by Toby

It does look pretty good, the coloring is solid, the anatomy is pretty much all there. It's a wonderful chibi-type style. If I were to adjust anything really, it'd be to make the glasses / goggles either a bit bigger (a little more cartoonishI guess lol) to help the eyes be a bit more visible. But that's just a personal preference.
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I like that you have a strong direction for your personal style. - The thing that throws me is the angles. The best way that I can explain this is by showing, so I took your drawing, lowered the opacity, and drew on the centerlines. Everything except the face is viewed straight on. The face, based on where the eyes are (and the bridge of the glasses), is turned. But the other facial features, ears, hair, and hair bow don't turn with the head. - Edited at May 10, 2021 02:50 AM by Barlow