
Could I get some thoughts on this, first thing though I know the one wing is horrible xD so please look over the detail as best as you can since I know that's wrong and didn't realize that until I was done lol. I was trying to figure out how to use drawing app and this what came out of it , also I've added 2 others that could use some light criticism as well done on January 7 done on January 26 done on January 25  ^ this one I actually really like the concept of and will probably do redraws of to see if I've in proved on my skills ^ ( credits belong to me ) Edited at January 28, 2021 07:50 PM by starwolfs
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It looks like for the shading you did smudge, but I would recommend using a blending tool. Also, try to have the light coming from the same direction (the horns have shadows going to the left, but the wings have shadows going to the right, and the spikes have the shadows going up). - I would recommend a deep blue for shading, and a very light yellow for lighting (that's what personally use). - Since you included lighting in the eyes I'd recommend lighting the rest of the piece - If the dragon has arms then I would attach the wings to the arms - I would make the nostrils a little smaller. - - I hope nothing came across as mean, I always feel like I'm being bad when giving constructive criticism.

Thanks for the constructive criticism all the stuff that you mentioned I didn't realize until you said it, I just knew something didn't look right about it . Thanks also for the tips on the shading and lighting those are very helpful , first time actually doing digital and I really didn't have a clue how to use anything don't worry you don't sound mean at all :)
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sorry if any of this seems rude at all XD I would personally recommend something showing some part of the mouth, because in the current picture, you can't see any of it, and it looks a bit odd. that is actually my only suggestion, you did an amazing job, all in all!

Yeah I seam to be struggling with mouths on everything and this was early on ( I think the first thing I actually did was this piece ) so I wasn't even going to try a mouth at the time. I am working on them now but they still need work for me to be comfortable with them thanks for your input ^^
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